["Post 102 Cited For Service To Children." Anoka Union 04 Oct. 1963: Print.]
In recognition of its outstanding service to the children and youth of Anoka, Edward B. Cutter Post 102 of the American Legion, Anoka has been cited by the national organization of the Legion, Post Commander Richard Steidl announced today.
Personally signed by National Commander James E. Powers and department child welfare chairman Gene Lindquist of Clarissa, Minn., the citation from American Legion national headquarters in Indianapolis, Ind. was presented to Post 102 by John C. smith of Robbinsdale, 10th District child welfare chairman , at the regular business meeting Tuesday, Oct. 1. “Child welfare is one of the American Legions basic programs. Commander Steidl explained, “and we are proud that our efforts have been honored with this citation from the national organization.
Each of the more than 16,000 American Legion posts is asked to submit an annual report of its programs and activities in behalf of children and youth. On the basis of its report from the 12-month period ending May 31, 1963, Edward B. cutter Post 102 was awarded the national citation for outstanding service. Among the activities and programs which earned this recognition for Post 102 were: school patrol, Legion Boys State, Scouting, Junior Legion baseball and the $500 C. Merion Hicks scholarship.