["Naturalized Citizenship." Anoka Union 12 Jan. 1921: Print.]
The Edward B. Cutter Post, No., 102, held the first of its regular monthly meetings, January 11, at the Armory.
Commander Caswell made the announcement that any ex-service man who had been naturalized in the service, but who had not received his papers, should get in touch with him, as he has the necessary data to procure them. The reason that men did not receive these papers while in the service was that they could not be completed until a man was honorably discharged .
The adjutant made the announcement that the latest information regarding the operation of the Sweet Bill, concerning disabled veterans and the latest regarding War Risk Insurance and the conversion of the same to a permanent form, had just been received and was available to any ex-service man at is office.
A membership committee was formed consisting of the following: Forest Johnson, Chairman, R.J. Beckenbach, George Veidt, Raymond Parker,Clyde Joslyn, Alec McNeil, Louis Banwars, S. P. Anderson, Peter Bourgois and Emil Johnson. All ex service men who are not members are eligible to the Legion, and may join this Post by handing dues for the current year, $2.75, to any of the above or to any officer of the Post.
It was decided that the Post would give a big Mask Ball on Washington’s birthday. Theodore Akin was appointed chairman of the Committee for this event, with a large corps of assistants. The Gopher State Orchestra, seven pieces, which furnishes music for the Elk Club in Minneapolis, has been engaged to play that evening.
After the meeting the ladies of the Auxiliary surprised the boys with a dandy lunch. Needless to say, full justice was done to this part of the proceedings.
The next regular meeting will be held on the second Wednesday in February, the 8th.
At the present writing fifty members have their dues paid for 1922.