Carson City Gazette
Carson City, Michigan, October 12, 1944
At a very impressive ceremony, Monday evening, the following officers were installed for the coming year, in the Carson City Post No. 380, American Legion:
Commander - Frank Tabor
1st Vice Commander - Wm. R. Hill
2nd Vice Commander - A. J. Hartman
Adjutant, Lawson Knowles
Chaplain, Guy Knepper
Finance Officer, Lloyd Whipple
Historian, Floyd Warner
Sgt at Arms, Leon Chaffee
Fred B. Post of Ionia, the 8th District Commander carried out ritualistic work in a very creditable manner. He was assisted by Walter Hanson, commander of American Legion Post No. 37 of Ionia.
Honor guests were Cpl. F. Edgar Tabor, of the U.S. Army Air Force, and Hervie Sherd, a gunner in the U.S.N. Air Force at a carrier base in the South Pacific for the past two years.
Delicious refreshments were served at the close of a very instructive and happy evening.