Carson City Gazette – Carson City, MI – Thursday, November 4, 1943
The first meeting of the Carson City Post No. 380 of the American Legion was held Thursday evening, Oct. 28 at 8:30 in the K. of C. hall, with fifty veterans of the World Wars in attendance, and visitors from posts at Ionia, Hubbardston and Greenville.
The charter for the newly formed Carson City Post was presented by Eighth District Vice Commander Fred B. Post of Ionia, who also acted as installing for the meeting.
Officers of the Carson City Post No. 380 are as follows: Commander, Frank E. Tabor; First Vice Commander, William Hill; Second Vice Commander, Albert J. Hartman; Adjutant, Lawson Knowles; Chaplain, Guy Knepper; Sergeant at Arms, Leon F. Chaffee; Historian, Floyd Warner.
The next Post meeting will be on the evening of Nov. 11th in the Odd Fellow Hall with a special program in observance of Armistice Day.