Carson City Gazette
Carson City, Michigan, Thursday, September 23, 1943
At a meeting held in Carson City on Sunday, Sept. 19th, an application bearing the names of forty-eight veters of World War I and II was presented to he Commander of the Michigan District, asking for a charter for the Carson City Post of the American Legion.
Officers elected for the new post are as follows:
Commander - Frank E. Tabor
1st Vice Commander - Wm. E. Hill
2nd Vice Commander - Albert J. Hartman
Adjutant - Lawson M. Knowles
Sergeant of Arms - Frank L. Chaffee
Finance Officer - Lloyd O Whipple
Post Historian - Floyd Warner
Post Chaplain - Guy Knepper
It is expected that the charter for the new post will be received and the Post officers installed at the October meeting.