Lansing State Journal, Friday, October 3, 1919

Charter Received and Meetings Held; Elect State Delegate; Plan Program

The first regular meeting of the McCloskey post of the American Legion No. 130, was held at the G.A.R. hall Wednesday evening, Oct. 1.

A temporary charter has been received which contains the following names of veterans of the "Great World War:"

Victor P. Geller, Stanley Horn, Lawrence K. Smith, Don R. Smith, Walter P. McKenna, Herbert B. Topper Elmer J. Shinabarger, Basil B. .....will be served.

By the wish of all members the post has been named the Douglas K. McCloskey post in honor of the late Douglas K. McCloskey, who lost his life Aug. 1, 1918, in the famous Chateau Thierry drive. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. McCloskey, now of Flint, Mich. He spent the early part of his life in the vicinty of Carson City, and was a graduate of the public high school here. Just previous to his enlistment he had been working in Durand and he went overseas with the band in the 85th division.


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