Post 346 Farmington, Michigan

Post 346

Farmington, Michigan

Post 346 Farmington, Michigan

About This Post

Post Namesake
Post 346 was named for Bertraw Groves, killed in action on August 7, 1918 in the second battle of the Marne, France and Lemuel Walker, killed in action on October 11, 1918 in an attack on Kriemhilde Stellung, near Romagne, ... READ MORE
Notable Members
Past Department of Michigan Commander 1974 Charles Larson, Past Department of Michigan President 1987 Helen Currie.
What Makes this Post Unique
Groves-Walker American Legion Post 346 serves the needs of veterans in Farmington, Farmington Hills and surrounding Michigan communities. We offer members a warm, family friendly atmosphere, numerous get-togethers providing fun and comradery, and opportunities to step up and help your ... READ MORE




The Synopsis of the History of Groves-Walker Post 346 Written for the occasion of the Groves-Walker Post 346 50th Anniversary 1972 by Fordon A. Niles (1895-1988), World War I Veteran, Post Historian 1963-64

Jan 1, 1919
The year was 1919. The war had ended the previous fall, and the lads were returning to their homes in the village and township of Farmington. They were now veterans of World War One. A new organization was growing across the land. The American Legion. Some of these men wanted to belong, and so they joined the first American Legion Post in the State of Michigan; the Charles A. Larned Post #1 in the City..
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The Synopsis of the History of Groves-Walker Post 346	 Written for the occasion of the Groves-Walker Post 346 50th Anniversary 1972 by Fordon A. Niles (1895-1988), World War I Veteran, Post Historian 1963-64


Our First Meeting

Our First Meeting

Jul 10, 1922
Attending this first meeting were Almeron Bidwell, Howard Eisenlord, Carl Goers, Carl Hogel, George Lee, Norman Lee, Fred Maas, Mark B. Owens, Roy Robinson, Fred Schaupeter, Alfred Smith, Stanley Smith, Harley Schroder, H. Culver Wood, and Howard Warner. After electing a chairman, Mark Owens, they proceeded with their application for charter, and forwarded it to the Department of Michigan. The next meeting was on July 10, 1922. Chairman Mark Owens read the acknowledgment from Department..
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Our First Post Home

Jul 1, 1924
In 1924 the village held a centennial celebration and built a log cabin for the occasion. After festivities were ended, the cabin was donated to the Groves-Walker Post for use as their Post home. In July 1925, the members sanctioned the formation of an Auxiliary Unit. The ladies proceeded with their organization, and on Aug. 13th that same year officially became known as the Groves-Walker Unit 346. The next four years saw the Post expand..
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Our First Post Home


World War II

World War II

Sep 1, 1939
At the outbreak of World War Two the Governor of our state requested that the American Legion organize a civilian defense. On April 16, 1941 at a meeting attended by the public as well as Post members, Groves-Walker responded by forming the necessary committee and getting the program under way. Later, when the program passed to State control it became Civil Defense. It is interesting to note that the original appointments from the Post were..
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New Memorial Home Association

Nov 1, 1944
So, in Nov. 1944, a Memorial Home Association was formed, based on the articles of incorporation drawn by Judge John J. Schulte. The articles were approved and duly placed on file with the Michigan Security Commission. The first men to become officers of the new Memorial Home Board were: Joseph DeVriendt President, Clarence Barber Vice President, Leon L. Church Secretary, and Carl W. Matz Treasurer. The balance of the board was comprised of Carl A...
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A New Home

A New Home

May 6, 1945
On May 6, 1945 the members purchased the land where our present home now stands. Monies to start building were raised thru the proceeds of Gala Days, public contributions and the sale of the old Post home. Building operations finally got underway in the late spring of 1947. Work was done by Post members and friends, and progress was quite slow. The old Post home had to be vacated by January 1948, and the new..
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New Members

Aug 15, 1948
World War Two made its impact. In August 1948 the Post held an initiation of new members, the ceremony being hosted in the high school gym. Seventy five new members were initiated by the Oakland County Voiture 40/8 Ritual Team. 1949 saw the completion of both the upstairs and basement of our new home.
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New Members


Honoring Our Local Veterans

Honoring Our Local Veterans

Jan 1, 1950
In 1950 the Post purchased a bronze plaque in memory of all those from Farmington and Farmington Township who lost their lives in WW1 and WW2. In January 1951, Governor Mennen G. Williams came to the Post to dedicate this plaque. The relatives of those inscribed, as well as the general public filled the hall to capacity. The plaque now hangs in the upstairs foyer. 1951 also saw the last of the Gala Days, then..
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WWI Veterans

Jan 1, 1958
It was in 1958 that the Veterans of World War 1 Farmington Barracks 1152 began to hold their meetings at Post 346. Many members of Barracks 1152 were also members of Post 346.
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WWI Veterans


Farmington Memorial Day Parade

Farmington Memorial Day Parade

May 30, 1965
The 1960’s were upon us. We continued in the traditions handed down to us, and worked hard in the support of our Legion programs. In 1965 the Groves-Walker Post and Farmington VFW united their efforts to produce a truly fine Memorial Day Parade and ceremony. This has remained a continuing joint venture. In 1966 the Post helped with the soliciting and contributing of funds for the purchase and erection of the Farmington Veterans Memorial, now..
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Post Upgrades

Jan 1, 1967
1967 - 1971 was a time of much bustling activity. The Clubroom was carpeted and refurbished, the upstairs lobby was paneled, new rest rooms were installed, air conditioners were put in place top and bottom, a new coat check room was provided, and finally the main hall was re-worked to what you now see. Through all of this we maintained our programs, conducted parties at the Veterans Hospital and in general made ourselves useful.
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Post Upgrades
American Legion 50th Anniversary

American Legion 50th Anniversary

Mar 1, 1969
In March 1969 the Post went all out to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the American Legion. The speaker was Duane Brigstock, at that time our Alternate National Committeeman. In November 1969, we celebrated Veterans Day with a dinner and a party honoring our 50 year members. We had five such members, and three were present. Department Commander Wayne Squires was our speaker for the occasion.
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Our Post's 50th Year 1972

Jan 1, 1972
Groves-Walker Post has had six past District Commanders, and at this time has the present District Commander. We also have had two Third Zoe Commanders, and at present we are honored to have six life members. We have all worked hard these past 50 years, and during this time have enjoyed many honors. We are proud of our record, and of our excellent attendance at all Post meetings. Respectfully submitted, Fordon A. Niles, Post Historian
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Our Post's 50th Year 1972
Post 346 member becomes Dpeartment of Michigan Commander

Post 346 member becomes Dpeartment of Michigan Commander

Jun 1, 1973
Long time Post 346 member Charles Larson is elected Department of Michigan Commander 1974.
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Post honors veterans from Korea and Vietnam Wars

May 15, 1986
Post 346 dedicates a new memorial plaque in honor of the servicemen from Farmington Michigan who lost their lives in Korea and Vietnam.
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Post honors veterans from Korea and Vietnam Wars
Aux. Unit 346 member becomes Dept. of Michigan President

Aux. Unit 346 member becomes Dept. of Michigan President

Jun 1, 1986
Our own Helen Currie was elected to the office of President for the Department of Michigan in 1987.
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Post Baseball team keeps on winning!

May 15, 1998
Legion Baseball (18 and under) has always been a big part of Post 346 and team coach Wally Christensen had been teaching the boys for 38 years. At this point in the season the team upped it's stats to 15 and 1 heading for the championships.
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Post Baseball team keeps on winning!


Dedication of Memorial Brick Wall

Dedication of Memorial Brick Wall

May 15, 2010
Post officers pose with our newly completed Memorial Brick Wall. This wall contains bricks inscribed with loving memorials, dedications and names of our members and loved ones from Post 346.
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Annual 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony

Sep 11, 2011
Post 346 organizes the annual Farmington/Farmington Hills 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony. For many years this piece of the World Trade Center devastation (donated by the New York City Port Authority) was the centerpiece of the ceremony. This honored relic is now on permanent display within a memorial work of art dedicated to the citizens and first responders who perished on September 11th. The memorial is located on the grounds of the City of Farmington offices.
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Annual 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
Michigan K-9 Veteran's Day

Michigan K-9 Veteran's Day

Mar 13, 2012
Post 346 member Kenneth Reynolds played a very important part in honoring the military working dog and establishing the first K-9 Veteran's Day in Michigan. He is shown here holding the proclamation from the State Legislature proclaiming each March 13th as K-9 Veteran's Day. The annual K-9 Veteran's Day event takes place at the Michigan War Dog Monument at the Happy Hunting Grounds Pet Cemetery in South Lyon Michigan.
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Hosting luncheon for homeless vets

Dec 13, 2012
Post 346 has a long history of hosting buffet meals for the homeless veterans from the Michigan Veterans Foundation facility in downtown Detroit. The tradition continues to the present.
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Hosting luncheon for homeless vets
Post 346 working with local Scouts

Post 346 working with local Scouts

Apr 15, 2013
Post 346 has a long history with our local Boy and Girl Scouts. Our Post hosts meetings and our members assist in teaching the next generation about patriotism, and respect for our U.S. flag.
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Farmington Farmer's Market

May 25, 2014
Post 346 has begun a tradition of manning a tent at the Farmington Farmers Market each summer. Our members offer poppies, sell freshly grilled Coney Dogs and refreshments, offer membership applications, and in general, spread the good word about the American Legion. Our Honor Guard also takes part in the Market's opening ceremonies each year.
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Farmington Farmer's Market
Auxiliary Christmas Mitten Tree

Auxiliary Christmas Mitten Tree

Dec 5, 2014
Each winter sees our Auxiliary Unit collecting winter accessories (hats, mittens, scarves, etc.) to place on our annual "Mitten Tree" at the December meeting. Afterword the items are gathered and given to our local Goodfellows for distribution to families in need.
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"CARE Packages" for troops overseas

Feb 15, 2015
Auxiliary Unit 346 partnered with the Livonia Blue Gymnastics team to send "CARE Packages" to our troops overseas. The girls and our Auxiliary ladies obtain donations of personal comfort items to be sent to military units serving overseas (typically in the Middle East). This has now become an annual event overseen by Gymnastics team coach and Auxiliary member Lisa Broomfield.
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Post Life Members named Grand Marshalls of Memorial Day Parade

Post Life Members named Grand Marshalls of Memorial Day Parade

May 29, 2016
Post 346 Life Members and WWII vets (L to R) Jim Hopson (Army Air Corp.), Norm Goers (Marines), and Glenn Griffin (Coast Guard) were honored to be named Grand Marshalls of the City of Farmington's Memorial Day Parade 2016.
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Annual Holiday Wreath Laying Ceremony

Dec 5, 2016
Post 346's Holiday Wreath Laying Ceremony is an annual tradition every December at the Farmington War Memorial Monument. Post members, officers, City officials, Miss Farmington and her court among others, take part in this moving ceremony to honor all those servicemembers who never made it home for the holidays or will not currently be enjoying the holiday season with family and friends.
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Annual Holiday Wreath Laying Ceremony