On May 6, 1945 the members purchased the land where our present home now stands. Monies to start building were raised thru the proceeds of Gala Days, public contributions and the sale of the old Post home. Building operations finally got underway in the late spring of 1947. Work was done by Post members and friends, and progress was quite slow. The old Post home had to be vacated by January 1948, and the new home was still a long way from completion. Even so, the move was made.
The first Thursday of February 1948 saw the men gathered in the basement of the new home, where the kitchen now is. There was no heat in the building, and the floor was coated with about six inches of ice. There were no chairs and everyone stood. The meeting was very cold… and very short. One month later, March 1948, the upstairs subflooring was completed, and the furnace was in. This is where the meetings were held until the basement was completed.