The year opened by a visit to the Post by State Commander Martin, Adjutant Tabor and Welfare Officer Broderick, who gave us a big send-off. Athletics were continued throughout the year, and the Legion basketball team copped the cup for the District Championship, under the leadership of Hal Rodgers.
The annual Banquet was held in may and as usual was a big success. The Post took a very active part in the Memorial Day services, and on Armistice Day held the biggest celebration to date.
This year the Post took over the sponsorship of Boy Scout Troop R.O.2, this was the first Boy Scout Troop in the world to be sponsored by an American Legion Post!
During the year the Post membership increased to 88 and the Post took it's stand along the other organizations in Royal Oak to make a better place in which to live.
Officers are as follows: Commander, Harry J. Merritt
Vice Commander, Fletcher Renton
Adjutant, Walter D. Heaphy
Finance Officer, Arthur C. Codling
Sgt-at Arms, Fred Wheeler
Historian, G. D. Harris Jr.