Following the State Convention at Williamstown, Post 64 started making plans for members to attend the Twelfth National Convention in Boston scheduled for October 6 through 10, 1930. Reviewing the 1930 minutes of the Post, it was found that at the September 8, 1930 meeting several discussions were held regarding the National Convention. It was voted that the Post purchase complete uniforms for the Bugle and Drum Corps…” Also, voted to send the Corps to the National Convention in Boston for the Parade, amended that the traveling expenses be paid with a maximum of $50.00. And, a motion was made an seconded, that a letter be sent to the Carver Post them to join us in the parade at the convention on October 7th, so voted. Upon motion it was voted that a committee of three be appointed by the new Commander, the purpose being to investigate the advisability of displaying a welcoming banner to visiting Legionaires…” At a special meeting held on September 18, 1930, the banner committee report was accepted as a report in progress. Upon motion it was voted that this committee be authorized to obtain and place across the street at the four corners a banner welcoming Legionaires to Middleboro. It was voted that a Special t was also voted to extend to Bridgewater and Wareham invitations to join us in the Parade in Boston. A special meeting was held on September 29, 1930 with 50 members present. Commander Thomas called the meeting to order informally at 8:15 p.m. It was reported by the chairman of the Transportation committee that the Post go to Boston by train, using the special at 8:35 a.m. A motion was made and duly seconded, that any comrade using the Post’s rooms in Boston (for sleeping) shall pay $1.00 each night for the convenience of same. Amended that this rate no to include the Registering committee. So voted. Voted that post card notices be sent to all members regarding time and place of departure. It was later voted that the departure point be the Legion rooms at 7:30 a.m. on October 7 and members march to the station in a body with the Bugle and Drum Corps. A final mention of the Boston Convention by Post 64 members took place at the October 13, 1930 meeting when Comrade Bryden, being an alternate to the National Convention, gave a few remarks in regard to his views on the side lights of the convention. (Adjutant Leslie Maranville recorded the minutes, while Historian Clifton McCrillis retained them in the Post files and also saved the printed memorabilia from both Conventions as seen in the accompanying photos.)
..............(Photo of material and compilation by Historian Bob Lessard 2014)
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