1924:- January 23….. Special Meeting called to order at 8 p.m. by Commander McCrillis with 52 members present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Reports of committees heard. Initiation was next in line and Comrades Howard Gardner, Millerd E. Raymond and Joseph H. McCourt go on record as being 100% game in going through the special initiation prepared by the membership committee in such a manner as to make the first attempt at this work a success.
February 13….. With 30 members and 12 members of the Wareham Post present, meeting called to order at 8:30 p.m. The following comrades were regularly initiated: Paul S. Nickerson, Roy V. Fagerberg and Leon J. Millette.
March 10…. Voted that a coin collection be taken at every meeting to be used by the Post Entertainment Committee to help cover the expenses of their work. The matter of putting the pool table in better condition was taken up and the House Committee was requested to see what could be done in this line and report at the next meeting. Respectfully Submitted, A.S. Hall, Adjutant
April 14….. House Committee reported that it would cost about sixty dollars to put the pool table in shape. On account of present condition of the treasury no action was taken on this matter. It was voted that we enter the Twilight League.
June 9 …. Voted to send three delegates to the Department Convention at Pittsfield and they be allowed expenses not to exceed $100.00. Commander McCrillis, Adjutant Hall and Vice Commander Higgins were nominated.
October 27….. Thirty-two members present. It was voted that the matter of placing Street markers on Nickerson St. be placed on the table for two months.
November 12….. Voted that the sum of $10.00 be forwarded to the 10th District Council to help pay the expenses of the delegates to the 1924 National Convention. The adjutant be instructed to send a letter of appreciation to the members of the Auxiliary who conducted the Poppy Sale for their good work.
December 8 ….The result of the election of officers for the year 1925 were as follows: Commander- Arthur S. Hall; Vice Commander- Hervey A. Bazinet; Adjutant- Leslie G. Maranville; Finance Officer- Forest E. Thomas; Chaplain- Reginald W. Drake; Historian – Mrs. E. M. O’Toole; Sgt. at Arms- Edward Greenberg. Coin Collection $4.42
(Compiled by Bob Lessard Post Historian 2014)
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