1923:- January 8 ….. Commander McCrillis called the meeting to order at 8:10 p.m. with 43 members present. Voted to incorporate and the reports of the corporation committee be accepted. The basketball committee be instructed to discontinue playing, and voted that the Post assume responsibilty for the basketball bills.
February 12…… Regular meeting. Meeting called to order by Commander McCrillis at 7:30 p.m. Joint installation of officers. Meeting adjourned by Commander McCrellis. Respectfully Submmited. A.S. Hall, Adjutant.
March 12 ….Voted that the trustees of Simeon L. Nickerson Post #64 American Legion are directed and authorized to transfer and convey the title to the real estate now held by them ….dated June 8, 1920 and recorded in Plymouth County Register of Deeds book #1358 page #414 and to sign, acknowledge and deliver a good and sufficient deed therefore to the Memorial Association Simeon L. Nickerson Post #64 American Legion Inc. A committee was appointed to investigate the phone question and if one can be put in without the expense to have it in the cloak room.
April 9…… With 100 members present meeting called to order at 8.m. Voted to return the carnival tickets received from the Post in Cairo, Illinois and Roxbury, Mass with letters of regret. Accepted invitation from the G.A.R. to take part in Decoration Day services. A committee of three, Roger Wood, Reginald Drake and Fred Maddigan, were appointed to take charge of Memorial Day affairs. Voted to enter a Legion team in the Twilight Baseball League and appropriate $10.00 as an entry fee to the league.
May 14….. A vote to contribute ten dollars ($10.00) to the American Legion Graves Endowment fund, so voted. By a vote, the present chairman of the Athletic Committee be instructed to make a decided effort to obtain the basketball that we bought and paid for by the Post.
June 11….. Voted that the matter of securing a lot at St. Mary’s Cemetery be put to a committee. A committee of five was appointed to consult the G.A.R. in regards to their Memorial Day program. Accepted the invitation extended to this Post from the Middleboro Lodge of Elks to attend their Flag Day exercises Thursday evening, June 14th, and furnish a color guard. Three delegates and three alternates to the State Convention were named. Voted as delegates: Clifton A. McCrillis, Arthur S.Hall and Fred G. Maddigan. Alternates: John Martin, George Hazard and Fletcher Clark, Jr. Members present 68.
No meetings in July and August.
October 8 ….. Athletic Officer Bernier turned in $30.00 including the $10.00 entry fee to the Twilight League. Heard reports of the delegates to the Department Convention. Voted that we get 500 copies of the new code of flag rules and distribute them around town where they are most needed.
November 12….. Commander McCrillis will appoint a nominating committee of five to bring at least two names for election to each office for 1924. It was also voted that a committee of ten be appointed by the chair to handle a membership drive. Appointed were Darragh Higgins, chairman, Wm. Begley, Joseph Dutra, Angus Forbes, Everett Caswell, Frank Diotte, Fletcher Clark, Jr., Carl Kendall, Loretta O’Toole, Ralph Nickerson, W, Bernier, Forest Standish and Arthur Hall. Paid-up members in 1923… (164).
December 10….. Thirty–five members were present, meeting called to order at 7:50 p.m. Comrade Clark reported $59.00 in the Building Fund and $45.00 in the Legion Field Day on deposit in the Middleboro Trust Co. Voted that Comrade Clark be ordered to pay over all the funds in his hands as Treasurer of the Building Fund and Legion Field Day to Middleboro Trust Co. on principle of our mortgage. Accepted the proposition of Manager Harrington of the Park Theater in regards to the Sunday show. The matter be left in the hands of the old Entertainment Committee. Officers elected: Commander- Clifton McCrillis; Vice-Commander-Darragh Higgins; Adjutant- Arthur S. Hall; Finance Officer- Everett L. Saunders; Chaplain, Reginald W. Drake; Historian- Loretta O’Toole; Sgt. At Arms- John Freitas.
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