1921:- January 20….Voted that the Legion run a drive to raise $20,000.00 for a building fund. Voted that the last four days of January 28 to 31 included be devoted as days of our drive.
January 26…..Special meeting called to order at 7:30, G.A.R. Hall, Commander Clark presiding. Resolutions on the deaths of Corporal Henry Frederick Denham and Sergeant Frank Davenport Moriarty read by Reginald Drake. Dempsey reported about $300.00 profit on Yankee Division motion picture. Voted to turn in money from Saturday night dance to building fund. Explanations of the forms to be used for the drive by Commander Clark. Collections of $345.00 taken to start the drive.
February 9…. Resolutions be drawn up on the death of Comrade Harriman, a copy to his wife and mother and entered on the books as well as published in the Gazette. Voted that $1500.00 in the Treasury be declared an addition to the building fund. Voted to appoint a committee of three (3) to find out and report all they can about Nina Seymour tablet.

March 8 …..Regular meeting opened at 7:50 p.m. with Commander Clark in chair. Voted that $50 be appropriated for the Nina Seymour memorial. Voted that thanks to those who contributed in our drive be drawn up by the secretary and published in the Gazette. Voted that if the option on Homestead Bldg. expires before our next meeting a special meeting to be called to consider the advisability of exercising said option.
April 7….. Special meeting. Report of Drive by Commander Clark. Voted we accept the option on the Homestead Bldg. Voted by ballot for three trustees. Result of ballot---- Kenneth Keedwell, 3 years; Albert Soule, 2 years; and John Grantham,1 year. Voted that a deed of trust be prepared and submitted to the Executive Committee and their acceptance of it shall as satisfactory shall bind the Legion.
May 10….. Voted that the Legion accept the invitation to march with the G.A.R. as an escort on Memorial Day. Voted to send a letter of thanks to Mrs. Albert Keyes. (*** She had donated the Simeon L. Nickerson flag to the post.)
June 14….Voted to send a delegation of Legion members to be present at the Nina Seymour Memorial’s unveiling. Volunteers as follow--- Wood, Burkhead, Soule, Begley, Clark, Huntley, Keedwell and Forbes. Voted that Legion purchase suitable grave markers and Memorial Day Committee take charge of them to mark the graves.
August 9….. Voted that the Post pay the railroad and hotel expenses of the four (4) delegates to Springfield State Convention. Elected: Fletcher Clark, Jr., Ralph Mendall, Roger Wood and Kenneth Keedwell. Voted that a Field Day beheld October 12th, 1920. Respectfully submitted, Clifton McCrillis, Secretary Pro Tem.
November 15….Field Day Committee reported proceeds of about $360.00 and $156.85 on the Ford sedan. Voted to turn over proceeds to the Trustees of the building fund. Voted that the matter of the Boy Scouts be allowed use of our hall be left with the Trustees.
December 13….Report on the account of Legion Building Fund by Treasurer Fletcher Clark, Jr. Receipts: Deposits in Middleboro Trust Co., Savings Department…..$1400; Received on drive…9089.49; Interest….15.49; Interest on certificates of deposits….47.17; received from Middleboro Trust Co. (loan)…..3500.00 Total $14052.00 Payments paid : $14032. Balance on hand…..$20.00. Elections for officers for 1921: Commander, K. B. Keedwell; Vice-Commander, Forrest B. Standish; Treasurer, Carl Pillsbury; Adjutant, Clifton McCrillis; Serg at Arms, Patrick McMahon; Historian, Richman Mathews; Chaplain, Albert Soule.

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