(Posted by webmaster Mike Palmer and Post Historian Bob Lessard)
1919:- (See June 23 above….formation of Post 64)
July 14…..Voted that this Post be known as the Simeon L. Nickerson Post #64 of the American Legion. Election of officers: Commander, Fletcher Clark Jr.; Vice-Commander, Carl G. Kendall; Adjutant, Frank Moriarty; Finance Officer, Kendrick Washburn; Historian, Parker Kennedy and Chaplain, M. Scanlon. Voted that the dues shall be three (3) dollars a year, payable one (1) dollar and half (1/2) in advance in July and the other in January. Moved that the Executive Committee hire a hall for meetings.
...................................NICKERSON FLAG DONATED
August 11…. Mrs. Albert Keyes has a flag that she made for Simeon L. Nickerson and carried by him until he was killed, she wishes to give it to the Legion. Parker Kennedy and C.E. Chute were named as a committee to take charge of it. Voted that the Post hold a field day on Labor Day. A committee of 22 were appointed to the Field Day Committee. A committee of five led by Parker Kennedy will hold dances in the Town Hall first one before the first Saturday in September.
September 8….Report of the Dance Committee on first dance, about $85.00. Report of Field Day Committee was one of progress. Treasury report by Finance Officer Washburn was, 119 paid-up members and a bank balance of $252.00.
October 6….. Elected as delegates to the State Convention were Fletcher Clark, Jr., Thomas Walsh and Roger Wood. Alternates elected were Kenneth Keedwell, Parker Kennedy and Carl Kendall. Motion made to pay expenses of three delegates, seconded and carried.
November 17…. A special meeting in G.A.R. Hall 7:30 p.m. Report of Commander Clark on the National Convention. A Committee of three (3) be appointed by the chair to make arrangements for the Y.D. moving picture show. A smoker was held after the meeting, music was prominent, and a lunch was served.
December 8….Chair appoint a committee to look up and report Middleboro men who were killed in service. Appointed: Clifford Keith, Ben White and Cecil Dean. Voted that a special meeting be held December 29 to elect officers for 1920 and elect delegates to the State Convention. Voted to have Carl Kendall interview the selectmen concerning lowering the price of the Town Hall for American Legion and that the American Legion have use of the Town Hall twelve (12) times a year at actual costs.
December 29…. Special meeting. Election of officers for 1920. Fletcher Clark, Jr., Commander; King, Vice- Commander; Begley, Adjutant; Washburn, Treasurer; R. Kelly, Sgt at Arms; Shaw, Chaplain; Wood, Historian; Standish and Walsh, Executive Committee; Dempsey, Employment Officer. Delegates to the State Convention: Clark, Mendall, Kennedy and Walsh..................( Compiled By Bob Lessard Historian 2014.)
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