In 1953, Mayor Cousins, with the support of the Town Council Board, called a special meeting in the Municipal Hall for all veterans, to include Glenarden and adjacent communities. This meeting was for the purpose of encouraging the veterans and emphasizing their importance as an organized group, how they could gain recognition and benefit the community by forming an American Legion Post within the Town of Glenarden. As a result of the meeting, American Legion Glenarden Post #275 was formed in 1954 under Commander Roland C. Brownlee and Adjutant Legaunt Banks. Application for a permanent Charter was made July 10, 1957. A permanent charter, registration No. 21,5678 was issued August 28, 1957. Post #275 was granted permission to utilize the Glenarden Municipal Hall for all meetings and social functions.
Membership renewal between 1962-19656 failed to meet the Post obligations, which led to the suspension of the Post Charter. In 1965-1966 an all out membership campaign was launched along with membership renewals, which increased the membership to 49 paid-up members. An application for a temporary charter was submitted February 2, 1966, and later approved. The post applied for a permanent Charter again on October 20, 1968; this was approved with endorsement for the issue of our present Charter No. 23,194