With the start of the 1950's our membership expressed interest to expand activities in the Four Pillars of the American Legion. So in February 1950 members of the Memorial Park planning committee met with 4 parties of the Parkville community to discuss a plot of ground on Taylor Ave. as a site for the memorial. This memorial was to honor those from the community who had served their country in the military. They found the group favorable to this idea but much more work needed to be done. The Post sent its first two boys to Boys State, was incorporated, held its first Veterans Day parade, sponsored a baseball team and was investigating possible sites for a future Post Home.

1951-1953 found the Post Jr. Baseball and Girls Softball teams winning State Championships,sponsorship of a teenage orchestra was undertaken and it was decided that the purchase of land was the way to go for a new Post Home.

1954-1956 after many years of hard work with the community and Baltimore County officials the Parkville Memorial Park and stone was officially dedicated on May 30, 1954. 1955 found the 1st Post Carnival held on the grounds of the Parkville Elementary School. 1956 the Post newsletter, know as the "Patter Parade", was published for the first time, the Post held its 1st "Peanuts for Polio" drive and Memorial Day ceremony at Moreland Memorial Cemetery.

1957-1959 early 1957 found settlement on 2.681 acres of property on Miller Ave. as the location for the 1st Post Home with official ground breaking om March 10, 1957 with Commander Goff turning the first shovel. This was followed by Mr. Eugene Davis, the founder of Parkville American Legion, as its 1st Honorary Life member. Also during this year the Sons of The American Legion Squadron was formed, the corner stone was put in place at 2301 Miller Ave. and the 1st Post meeting, installation and dedication were held. Then in 1959 the 1st Schoolmasters banquet, honoring officials, of the various schools within the Parkville community took place.

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