National Registry of Historical Sites

Catron-Kelly American Legion Post 53 in Oak Grove. Louisiana conducts its regular meetings in a log structure built in 1933. It is part of a depression-era Works Progress Administration (WPA) project that centered in the Oak Grove City Park. The project had two purposes: first, to provide much-needed employment to a local labor force and second, to construct a place for recreation and a venue for civic meetings.

Both agriculture and lumber work – the two main industries in northeastern Louisiana – were sorely affected by the Great Depression. This local development and other WPA projects throughout the nation were designed to counteract the lack of employment opportunities for able-bodied men who were willing to work.

The overall project in Oak Grove included roadways and tennis courts in the park area, but the log structure is the only part of the project still in evidence in the original configuration Work began on 8 November 1933 and was completed in early February 1934. Since its completion in 1934, the building has been called “The American Legion Hut” and is still identified locally by that title. But the actual name of the building is Oak Grove Community Center and it has been in continual use since 1934 as a gathering place for Boy Scout meetings, holiday parties, school class and family reunions, and civic meetings. And of course, for meetings of our Legion post.

Two of the members of our post, Sidney Barnett (WWII) and Bobby Barnett (Korea) are sons of the brick mason who constructed the impressive fireplace and hearth in the building. Mr. Sidney has interesting stories about watching the construction of this building and later helping his father with other brick-laying projects in the area. We know this building has significance for many people in the community and appreciate its historical significance. Last year, members of the William Carroll DAR chapter in Oak Grove researched the history of the structure and were instrumental in having the building placed on the National Registry of Historical sites. We in the area are proud of its history and look forward to many more years of its use by the people in our area

Author Mary Mills Post 53.

View more history for Post 53 in Oak Grove 71263, Louisiana