Past Post and State Commander, Herbie Petit addresses the convention.
National Executive Committeeman Charlie Aucoin at the podium.
Guest speaker David King, National Vice Commander.
Mr. and Mrs. King with State Commander Byron Comeaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Dillard with State Commander Byron Comeaux. . Paul is a candidate for National Commander for 2020-2021 and is from Texas
Paul Dillard candidate for National Commander for 2020-2021.
Mid-Winter add sponsored by Post 307.
Past Post 307 Commanders Herbie Petit and Jimmy Pilet present donations for the American Legion Joint Children and youth Fund along with the American Legion Poppy Fund to Tina Cielatka..
Charlie Aucoiin, David Kind and Byron Comeaux.
Post Commander 285 Sidney Parfait gives a Baseball and Finance report to the Conferenc
State Commander Byron Comeaux, Anthony Haywood First District Commander and Membership Chairman Edward Hudson. This is one of two awards presented to Anthony Haywood for membership. .
State Commander Byron Comeaux, Anthony Haywood First District Commander and Membership Chairman Edward Hudson. This is the second of two awards presented to Anthony Haywood for membership. .
This is one way to maintain order at a post meeting. Actually, the pistol will be one of two that will be used as a fund raiser for the State Legion next year.
Byron Comeaux and Jimmy Pilet. Post 307 is presenting a check to the State Commander for the Legion's National Emergency Fund
Alternative National Executive Committeeman Rudy Bourg.
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