State Convention held in Alexandria Louisiana.



First District Area B Commander John Blouin and Area A Commander Jimmy Pilet.


Past State Commander Rudy Bourg, National Vice Commander Bobby Bryant, and National Executive Committeeman Charlie Aucoin.


Post 350 Band.


Terry Sharp, Post 307 Commander Gary Fank, and State Commander Rodney Holliday. Post 307 received the Post Newsletter Award First Place for Membership under 300 2017-2018



National Vice Commander presents 100% yellow ribbon award to Post 307 Commander Gary Fank for 100% Membership.


First District Department Executive Committeeman John Marrero with First District Post Commanders who reach 100% membership. Those post commanders are James Mitchel, Edwin Wilson, and post 307 Commander Gary Fank.


Group photo of all Louisiana Post Commanders who reached 100% in membership.


Byron Comeaux, Post Commander Gary Fank, State Vice Commander Byran D'Oriocourt, State Commander Rodney Holliday,National Vice Commander Bobby Bryant, National Executive Committeeman Charlie Aucoin. Post receiving Dept. Membership Award 101-250 Members at 102.685% for achievement greater percentage in the Big Twelve Date 2017-2018.


Post Commander Gary Fank, Past State Commander Les Cromwell, and Jimmy Pilet (Area A Commander)


First District Commander James Mitchell, 3rd District Commander David Touchet, Junior Past Commander Rudy Bourg and State Commander Rodney Holliday. James and David acknowledge for having the highest membership in the State.


Bryan D'Oriocourt (Vice Commander), Bryan Comeaux, Rodney Holiday (State Commander) and Vice Commander Roy Cook


Past Receipents of the M.C. "Mike"Gear Blue Cap Award. and on the extreme right the 2017-2018 receipent is Chirs G. Lee.


Incomming District Commanders (First Row) and Department Executive Committeeman (2nd Row)


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