Unit 19 of the American Legion Ladies Auxiliary, Department of Louisiana, from Jennings received their charter on January 11, 2003. The founding members of the unit were: Margie R. Morrish, President; Deborah Fern Hebert, Secretary; Mary L. Redlich, Treasurer; and Dorothy G. Hicks, Desiree H. Dupuis, Lois G. Benoit, Ella Mae Richard, Jean W. Alcock, Marguerite J. Legros, Darci L. Landry and Rosaline B. Ryan.
The Unit conducts an ice cream social every month at the Southwest Louisiana Veterans Home in Jennings. During the social, the ladies serve “cola floats” and ice cream cones to the residents and staff.
For many years the Unit has conducted their Poppy Program on Veterans Day. Unit members collect donations at Walmart, Lyons Market (formerly Piggly Wiggly) and Hanson’s Super Foods. They have been assisted by members of the American Legion Post 19.
In anticipation of Veterans Day 2015, members of the Unit presented programs to schools in Jennings. The programs included a history of Veterans Day, as well as background information about the symbolism of the poppy in regards to war, loss and hope. The Unit sponsored a poppy poster contest for students in grades four and five. These posters were displayed around Jennings and at the schools on Veterans Day. The Unit hopes to continue this tradition every year.
Since its inception the Unit has sponsored girls to attend Girls State at Northwestern State University in Natchitoches. The girls who attended learned a great deal about how state government works.
For many years the unit, with assistance from Post 19, conducted Memorial Day services in Jennings. They have posted U. S. and armed services flags, and the Louisiana state, flag by Greenwood and Calvary cemeteries along Louisiana Highway 97 east of Jennings. At some venue in Jennings they have conducted services, which have included salutes to all the armed services, a POW/MIA ceremony, U. S. flag folding protocol, sounding of “Taps,” and guest speakers.
In the 16-year history of the Unit, they have collected awards for achieving membership goals six times, including an award for operational year 2015-16.
The picture above shows the Unit’s Officers elected to serve for 2017-18, and they are listed from left to right (with their title in parentheses): Marietta Louviere (Sergeant-At-Arms), Ella Mae Richard (Chaplain), Gayle McFarlain (Secretary), Cynthia Kratzer (Historian), Margaret Robin (Vice-President), and Trudy Born (President). Also shown is American Legion Department of Louisiana 7th District Ladies Auxiliary 1st Vice-President Connie Jackson (on the far right in the photo), who installed the officers. Treasurer Lenor Cox was not able to attend the installation.