Jennings resident Dale Hotard recalls that the first season of American Legion baseball in Jennings started on, or about, May 7, 1948. He was a member of that first team. Dale played American Legion baseball for two years, and served as the team’s player-coach for the first year. It was tough going at first, with few resources. Many times they had to work hard to get rides to the away games. After Dale’s playing days with the Legion team, he earned his college degree, and served a stint in the U. S. Air Force. After that, he returned to Jennings and got involved in coaching American Legion baseball teams again. He made many contributions to American Legion baseball in Jennings. Two other exemplary coaches who contributed significantly to American Legion Baseball were Harry Levy and Johnnie Adams. In the 1960’s Dalton Landry coordinated the baseball program for Post 19 and did a great job.
Another individual who made laudable contributions to the American Legion baseball program in Jennings was Post 19 member John C. “J. C.” Blank. J. C. coached for several years and after his coaching tenure ended, he coordinated Post 19’s baseball program for many years.
There are 4 plaques and two trophies on hand at the American Legion Hall for the Post’s baseball teams. We have plaques for the 7th District West Champions in 1971 and 1972, and for the 7th District East Champions in 2006 and 2007. The Post teams also won two 2 trophies while participating in Lynn’s American Tourney in 1971 and 1972. There were probably other awards won by the Post’s baseball teams in the past, but these awards are probably in the hands of either the players or the coaches. They earned the awards, and the Post hopes they enjoy them.
Two businesses who sponsored American Legion baseball in Jennings were Lynn’s Drug Store (Richard Hebert-proprietor) and Jeff Davis Bank.
The photo above is of the 2010 Junior American Legion Baseball Team fielded by Post 19 and sponsored by Jeff Davis Bank in Jennings. On the back row, from left to right, are Coach Bully LeGros, Keagan Deaville, Peyton Phelps, Dylan LaVergne, T. J. Davis, Zack Duhon, Taylor McFarlain and Coach Jordan Marcantel.
On the front row, from left to right, are Cade Guidry, Woody Bougard, Justin Marcantel, Travis LeGros, Hunter Britt, Landon Solari and Coach Korey Kratzer.
2010 is the last year that Post 19 fielded a baseball team.