Ron Hunkins, Senior Vice Commander
John Oros, Post Adjutant
Bill Grimes, Treasurer and his wife Betty
Fully restored to it's original condition is our 1952 M38A1 Willys Jeep
Veterans Memorial Dedication Plaque at the First Southern Veteran's Park
Color Guard at M46 Pershing Tank located in the Veteran's Park
Honor Guard Squad and Equipment Transportation Unit
Color Guard with Jeep and Trailer at the Great American Brass Band Festival
A little Christmas for some special kids at every elementry school in Lincoln County
Presenting two of many TV's to the US Veterans Affairs facility at Leestown Road and at the Commonwealth of Kentucky's Thompson-Hood Veterans Retirement Center
Post members mentitoring "Lincoln Changer" campers during their benolvent home reparirs for the less fortinate
The Post assisted in the Honoring the Black Union Soldiers that trained and served at camp Nelson during the Civil War
Firing Squad presenting a three volly firing for a deceased Veteran at Camp Nelson National Cemetery
What we do best........... Honoring our deceased Veterans and their Families
Final Taps for a deceased fellow Veteran at Camp Nelson Kentucky