
Commander: Fred Henney
Vice Commander: T Roy Campbell
Adjutant: Glenn Moffitt resigned Don Shaffer
Finance Officer: Durward J. Wilson resigned Richard B. Hall
Post Historian: John Schwinn
Sergeant-at-arms: Eustace Smith
Chaplain: Walter L. Clark
Treasurer: Richard B Hall
Service Officer: A.E. Noonan
Employment Officer: Claude Carey
Athletic Officer: Wm. S. Nelson
Executive Committee: Fred Henney, Chairman, Eustace Smith, Don Martindell, and Robert A. Campbell
Entertainment Committee: Eugene Randles
Sports Committee Chairman: Bill Nelson, Frank Knight
Reception Committee: Harve Rankin, Louis D. White, T. Roy Campbell, And Don Shaffer

Charter Received
The Charter for the Hutchinson post, American Legion, was received Aug, 10th 1920.
The post had voted, in calling for the permanent charter to have it issued in the name
“Lysle J. Rishel Post” honoring the first Reno county soldier killed in action in the war.
Lysle Rishel, son of Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Rishel, was a soldier in the 5th Marines. He was killed
in action in Belleau Wood, June 23, 1918. His Mother Mrs. Lillian B. Rishel was active in the Military Sisterhood, and since then in the American Legion Auxiliary.

Post #68
When the temporary charter to Argonne Billet post was issued a year previously, in 1919, it was to Argonne Billet Post #1, Department of Kansas.
But the new Charter was #68, and it was found there was nothing that could be done about it.
The post on Sept. 1, 1920 had 820 paid-up members, and now regarded as on of the larger and most efficient posts in Kanas.

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