Aug. 15, 1949  an application for a temporary charter filed with American Legion National Headquarters for the formation of a Post to be known as Nugent-Demuth Post 714, Department of  Iowa.   (42 Members.) 

     On  Dec. 22, 1955 Permanent Charter granted by American Legion National Organization.( 81Members.)

     The formation  of Nugent-Demuth Post 714 was accomplished by the Veterans since  World War 1. In the Spring of 1930 a new United States Flag was purchased by the Veterans of World War 1 to be flown in the Corpus Christy Procession of the Gilbertville Immaculate Conception Parish   

     At about the year 1935, a firing squad was suggested for the parish by Msgr. Cremer, pastor of  the parish, but was declined by the Veterans of WW1. A new three pointed arch was built, and was known as the Legion Arch  used during the Corpus Christy Processions

.     Msgr. Cremer suggested that the first World War 2 veterans being discharged (1944) should form a firing squad of four members.This request was performed . From then on the, number increased with Veterans of both wars participating. At one time there were 40 Veterans in full dress uniforms -- or at least with a Legion cap -- in the procession. In 1959 there were six veterans firing the salute.

       WW 1 Veterans of  this area belonged to different Posts of the nearby towns untill our Post was formed.The Jesup,Iowa Post conducted the services up to about the year 1927, when Post members transferred  to the Black Hawk County Voiture Post 82, known as as 40& 8,  which conducted the Decoration Day Services. Post 714 was formed in 1949.  This was accomplished with  the help of Becker-Chapman Post of Waterloo Ia.James Johannes and Jake Stubenrauch. Frank P .Schaerfer, along with Msgr. Cremer, were very much responsible for starting the Post . Meetings were held in the Parish Hall until Legion building built.

        In 1954 Msgr. Cremer suggested the Legion carry the Canopy for the Corpus Christy Procession. Eight members carried the canopy. World War 1 Commander Althof, from the Waterloo Veterans' organization, was among the Veterans.

  The First Legion meeting  held in our building was in August of 1958, followed by the first public Halloween Dance in October of the same year. Alhough the building was not completed and pieces of lumber were scattered around, it was said everyone had a good time  Dedication of the Legion Hall was held in May of 1959. 

       As time passed, the  new building became inadequate to serve the community, it was decided in 1968 to build an addition on the Northend of the existing building.  In 1973 a covered patio was built and is used to prepare steaks. 

        The first military funeral by our Post was held in 1949 for Roderick Rottinghaus.  Rifles and ammunition were still being furnished for our Post's use by Becker-Chapman Post in Waterloo.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     





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