The American Legion hosted the Mills County Veterans Service Officer's Veterans' Benefits Fair! The Veterans' Benefits Fair was free and open to the public. The Mills County Veterans Office worked hard to ensure numerous VA agencies and community organizations were available to answer questions and address concerns.
Below is a list of organizations that participated:
Omaha Vet Center
Transition Assistance
Veterans Affairs Eligibility, Outreach, Caregiver Support, Women Services, OEF/OIF, Education
Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and van
Iowa American Legion Service Officer
Home Base Iowa
Mills County Public Health
Mills County Emergency Management
Iowa Workforce Development
Veterans Experience Office
Hospice of SW Iowa
Iowa Veterans Cemetary
University of Nebraska Omaha
Metro Commuity College
Loess Hills Funeral Home
Jim Hughes Real Estate
Iowa Home Loan
Farm Bureau
Bloom Senior Center
Easter Seals
Fleet Reserve Association
Department Natural Resources (DNR)
GOYFC-Campus Life
Mills County Extension
Glenwood American Legion
Senator Ernst sent a representative and Representative Seick addressed the crowd.
Additionally, at 6 pm, a Vietnam War Commemoration Event honored county Vietnam Era Veterans. This event was recognition of Vietnam War Era Veterans' willingness to assist and support a grateful Nation by thanking and honoring them, their families, and those who served with or in support of the Armed Forces. Each Vietnam Veteran was presented with a commemorative pin.
Mills County Veterans Fair 2017
Snacks are ready
Mills County VSO Honors Vietnam Era Vets
Five Minutes!
DAV Address Vietnam Era Vets
Honoring Our Vietnam Era Vets