The Post officers were elected December 8, 1924, were installed by Chaplain B. N. Maxwell, December 15, 1924, at a large dinner. Our Post served as host this year for the county meeting which was followed by a dance, with a three piece colored orchestra (Adams) from Omaha pouring out the rhythm. County officers elected for the coming year are: County Commissioner Herb Benton, Harry Bayes as County Adjutant. Speakers for the evening worse Hugo Geiger of Minden, IA and William McLean of Omaha. A collection was taken up for the needy family of an ex-servicemen, with a very good results in the hat.
To joint meetings of the Legion and Auxiliary were held this year, and a potluck dinner was held. At one of these meetings, The Auxiliary elected as their officers: Linda Kispha, President, Mary Rathke Vice President, and Mrs. L. B. Ironmonger as secretary and treasurer. Several dances were held during the year for the enjoyment of, and also to raise funds for ,the Post. Probably the most successful of these dances was the May Day dance with the largest dance crowd yet to assemble in the armory, and a ticket sale much try enjoyment of $600.
Memorial Day services this year were held at the Baptist Church with the Legion and other organizations attending in a body. A Memorial Day Parade and services at the cemetery were held Saturday, May 30 with The Legion marching and giving the ritual. R. E. Humphrey and Major G. V. Caughlin were the Marshals of the Day. The Auxiliary held their poppy sale the Saturday before.
Iowa Governor Hammill issued a proclamation calling for an intensive campaign from September 13th to 19th and to be known as the Legion Endowment Fund Week. A fund of $5 million is the goal to be raised ,the interest of which will be used to care for veterans and orphan children of the World War Vets. Dr. G. V. Caughlan was name ninth District Chairman, L. C. Dean Mills County Chairman, and Commander R. D. Linnville to be the Glenwood Chairman, which has a quota of $500.00. L. C. Dean reported the fund went over in fine shape in Mills County, and the county exceeding the quota by $200.00.
The National Convention was held in Omaha this year, October 7th and 8th, with over 100,000 expected to attend. The parade was held October 6th and Mills County Legionnaires met at the corner of 38th Ave. and Jones St. to join the parade. The President of United States, Calvin Coolidge, visited the convention this year. The local Post had headquarters at the Hotel Castle and Fred Rose, R. D. Linnville, James M. Anderson, W. C. Rathke and G. E. Miller acted as hosts. A great convention!
An Armistice Day program was held at the high school and Prof. Lloyd H. Spencer invited all ex-soldiers to attend. The address was given by Gen. Mat Tinley.
This concludes the history of another interesting Legion year.
1925 Post Officers
Commander- Ralph D. Linville
Vice Commander-C. C. Lipsett
Adjutant-Leonard Hammond
Chaplain-Byron N. Maxwell
Finance Officer-W. C. Rathke
Sergeant-at-Arms-Emer E. Hatcher
Service Officer-Carl H. Cook
Executive Committee:
Dr. L. A. Hollinshead
Dr. G. V. Caughlan
D. N. Barnett
By B. L. Kent, Post Historian 1953-1954