This year there are 10,754 organized Posts, of which 776 were established the past 12 months, The American Legion Weekly has printed 75 million copies since it started July 4, 1919 and it goes to 50,000 of 60,000 U.S. post offices.This year, as last, started with the military funeral. Services were held January 3 for Charles M. Kidder, a member of the Company “I”, 168th Infantry at Glenwood Methodist Church. Commander Barnett and Chaplain Maxwell read the ritual and the Legion and band served as escorts to the cemetery. This service was followed January 29, with a military service at the Baptist Church for Maro Badman with military honors. 


One of the outstanding activities put on by the post this year for finances, was the presentation of a play at the Rex Theatre, “Somewhere in France”, on March 9thand 10th, with a full house both evenings. The play was under the direction of D. N. Barnett, and assisted by Dr. Van Barnes, Fred Rose, W. C. Rathke, Clarice Rist, Helen Sydow, and Mrs. Hazel Hollingshead. Admission was $.35 and $.50.


Another activity of the pose this year bell on Friday evening, February 17. On this day the Harvey tea room all post held a prep meeting with orchestra at Bethel hall in Minneola. The purpose of this meeting was to interest former service members and the Ladies Auxiliary and their families in the American Legion.


The post during this year had a moving date also. The 9 February 14, the post lease the hall over walling store, but some changes had to be made before being occupied. During the year, the post moved from the Armory to the new quarters over a welding store, and this is where our money goes. The post bought and paid for all furniture, rugs, chairs by the large hall and light fixtures for the meeting room. Also we laid and sanded a new floor over the entire hall, and that has also been paid. Several dances have been held over the year with the mission charges one dollar or $1.50 per couple and a charge of $.50 for spectators, all of which was to help defray expenses. The Ladies Auxiliary served lunch at some of these dances, and entertained the Legion at the Halloween Party in the new club rooms.


On May 15, the pet the post appointed harry windows to contact all other organizations for a memorial service, and others on his committee work W. C. Rathke and C. C. Lipsett. On Tuesday, May 30, the American Legion, Spanish-American War veterans, and G. A. R., with all civic and fraternal organizations, observed Memorial Day. Captain R. E. Humphrey was the Marshall of the Day. The day started with a march to the cemetery in the morning and ritualistic services of the G. A. R., W. R. C. and the Legion were held at the soldiers monument. In the afternoon, a program was held at the Armory. Free moving pictures were held in the evening at the Rex Theatre, and a band concert was held in the courthouse park. 


All in all, a very busy year, but a very interesting one also.

Commander- D. N. Barnett

Vice Commander-Frank Maxwell

Adjutant-A. Carl Mauk

Chaplain-C.C. Lipsett (later resigned)

Finance Officer-W.C. Rathke


Executive Committee:

Dr. L. A. Hollingshead

Dr. G. V. Caughlin

Carl H. Cook


Dance Committee:

J. M. Anderson

D.O. Gwinn

B. A. Matthews


By B. L. Kent, Post Historian 1953-1954

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