Our local post the American Legion has its birthdate, August 12, 1919, when 15 local Guardsmen and Veterans of Glenwood, IA, first signed a temporary charter, to organize a local Legion Post.

On Thursday afternoon, August 28, 1919, and election was held, and Ewart C. Howe was elected the first Commander of this post. The other officers elected were Thomas B. Lacy, Vice Commander, W. C. Rathke, Adjutant, Carl H. Cooke, Historian, Frank D. Logan, Chaplain, and Harry J, Widows, Finance Officer.

A local newspaper notice at this time stated that all desiring to join the American Legion, should leave a fee of one dollar, at the Hamilton Matthews store, located here in Glenwood. At this meeting, delegates to the state convention, to be held in Des Moines, September 4 and 5, were selected. It was also decided at this meeting that the membership drive should be started immediately after the State Convention.

The local post of the American Legion, Department of Iowa, on Monday, November 10, 1919, adopted the name of Harvey T. Rimel, Post 141, with a permanent charter membership of 120. Harvey T. Rimel, was the first local servicemen killed overseas during World War I, and it is to his honor and memory that we name our Post. This, comrades of the American Legion, is the beginning of our local post organization.

Those signing this charter were:

W. C. Rathke

Frank D. Logan 

Wayne A. Bogart 

E. A. Archer

R. J. McCleary 

Thomas B. Lacy 

Ralph T. Snodgrass 

Ewart C. Howe 

Harry J. Widows 

C. H. Olson 

Shirley D. Lewis 

Howard N. Baxter 

Bernard A. Matthews 

Van F. Barnes

Morris A. Louis

by B. L. Kent, Post Historian, 1953-1954


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