From the official records and diary of SGT David N. Barnett: On May 20, 1913, Company I, Third Iowa Infantry, U.S. National Guard, (formerly 55th Iowa Infantry, Nationl Guard), was originated in the old Greenlee Hall on the North side of the square in Glenwood, IA. At this time 68 men signed up for three years of service. The odd thing about this organization was that the 68 men voted for their commissioned officers and they were elected as follows: Company Commander, Captain Ronald E. Humphrey, 1st Lieutenent Frank D. Logan, and 2nd Lieutenent Ralph E. Cunningham.
For the purpose of Post 141 History, 1LT Frank D. Logan was one of first 15 charter members as was SGT David N. Barnett was elected to Chaplain in 1921. Also of the first 15 charter members, the following were enlisted men of Co. I in 1913: Ewart C. Howe, Thomas B. Lacy, Maurice A. Lewis, C. H. Olsen, and William C. Rathke. Also of note, Harvey T. Rimel was in these ranks as well.
In the summer of 1913, emcampment (training) was at Camp Castle in Chariton, IA and summer 1914 emcampment (training) was at Camp Dodge, Des moines, IA. The Glenwood Armory home of Co. I was built in 1914 at a cost of $15,000. In the summer of 1915, emcampment was agin at Camp Dodge. All the men in the company donated most of their pay from this emcampment to buy lockers and office equipment for the new armory. The men did not know then that they would soon be headed for Federal Serive at the Mexican Border.