The Post 80 Bee Keepers have begun the first honey harvest of this year. All funds raised from the sale of honey goes into an Environmental Conservation Scholarship Fund which is awarded to the best Conservation essay from students at the two high schools in Downers Grove, Ill. Last year over $1800.00 was awarded. Dick Rooney removes the wax seal from each frame and passes the frames to John Super who wrings out the honey. Ray Adams and Ed Ludwig hand the frames to Dick and also keep the area clean. Post 80 has 5 bee hives and each member of this team also has one or two hives on their properties. To keep the bees busy Post 80 has a little more than one acre of wild flowers and vegetable garden.



removing the wax seal


spinning the honey


Each box weighs between 20 and 25 pounds


each box has between 8 & 10 frames filled with honey


Each bottle holds one pound of honey


Each bottle gets a label


Ed filters out bits of wax and comb for clean clear honey


Busy bees trying to keep cool


Wild flowers for the bees, birds and butterflies.


the bees like yellow


The bees like pink too


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