To start the new Legion year a final report was given on the 1956 4th of July activities. The car raffle netted $1214.78, the fireworks had $256.37 to carry over for next year, and the carnival had a net income of $4327.57. $1100.00 was given to Auxiliary Unit 80 for their support with these activities.
Reports were given on the progress of the sale of portions of the Ogden property. After several offers had been discussed it was agreed to sell 20 acres of property facing Ogden Avenue to Harry Kilbane for $165,000, He was given until February 1, 1958 to pay in full for the property.
In October the Post 80 Color Guard assisted at the Dedication of Lester School, named in honor of Frederick F. Lester, Congressional Medal of Honor recipient, killed in action on the island of Okinawa during World War Two. He was the son of Past Commander Fred Lester(1949) and Past Auxiliary President, Minnie Lester (1946). The Post also donated flag pole and American Flag to the new school.
Post 80 donated 5 acres of land to the Downers Grove High School for an athletic field. The property to be known as The American Legion Field No buildings may be built on this property and it can only be used for athletic purposes. If any other use of the land should occur, the land would revert back to Post 80.
In December Post 80 received a check for $5000.00 from Mr. Kilbane as agreed. A special Board meeting was set for January 27, 1957 to work out the details of this sale. At the special meeting Mr. Kilbane stated he was having difficulty securing a loan on the property and another special board meeting was set for January 30th. At this meeting Mr. Kilbane offered a 60 day note for $5000.00 in return for an extension on the purchase settlement. The Post contacted it's attorney demand performance on the original contract.
Through out the Legion year normal Legion activities were carried out as negotiations continued on the Ogden property. In March the Legion entered into a contract to rent the north acreage to a Bob Morris provided he cut the grass for the annual carnival.
At the May meeting W.H.Schenke was elected to be our next commander. Memorial Day activities were carried out in fine fashion. The remaining members of the G.A.R. were thrilled to know that the Legion is keeping it's promise to continue the decoration of all veteran's graves. To this historians knowledge, Grant Nash was the first Graves Registration Officer back in 1920. At present Andy Blaida is doing a fine job.
There was a larger attendance at the 4th of July carnival and the car was won by a 14 year old from Lisle. As 1957 came to a close there was no sale of any of the Ogden property.