![1935 and the dawn of Budgets and By-Laws](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/event/1935%20L.J.%20DIXON_0.jpg)
At the January meeting each member had his copy of the new by-laws and the whole thing was read and voted on. Practically the entire new set of rules was accepted by the Post. A few minor changes were decided on and held over to be voted on at the next meeting. After that the accepted by-laws were printed so that a sufficient number of copies would be on hand for future reference.
The membership drive of the year before had brought in a number of members who were primarily in the Post for the entertainment. It reached the point where social events caused quite an outlay of cash for refreshments. The usual call for a party was made and a committee was appointed to make the necessary arrangements. The party took place at the Oak Knoll Tavern in February. The committee had secured the building free with the understanding that the owner would make his profit by selling refreshments. In that way every member could secure his own refreshments by purchasing them himself. Dancing was free and several games were in use. When the affair was over the committee turned a profit of fifteen dollars or there a bouts. This type of affair rather put a damper on expensive social events.
During the year the treasurer, W.B. McCollum, complained of the hit or miss manner in which the Post conducted it's finances. Practically every treasurer had made the same complaint and constant repetitions finally brought action and a budget system was adopted. It set up funds for each activity and the officer or committee was to draw against his budget allowance for required expenses. This put the finances in a better form, abolished considerable extravagance and the board of directors a better idea of what they had to work with.
During the year a group of individuals got out a petition to force the Board of Education to adopt the free text book plan in Downers Grove. Due to delinquent tax collections the Board would have had to cut instructional costs to cover such an additional expense. the members of the Post took an active interest in the defeat of this proposition at the regular school election. Without the aid of the Legion it is probable that the schools would have had tougher sledding during the succeeding year as the people that were behind the plan had a large number of followers who had no idea of the financial problem involved and could see only the saving of a dollar or two for themselves.
The Youth Week observance was carried out again this year with less confusion and a greater success. This year it was given National recognition and Charles Dyer received inquires from all over the United States as to what our plan was.
The annual carnival was held on Burlington Ave. A.J. Walter acted as chairman of the committee and arranged matters so that his vacation came at that time. He devoted his entire vacation to managing the carnival and at the close of the affair the largest profit in years was turned over to the Post.
At the July meeting the nominating committee presented its report. This year was the shortest in Post history. Due to a change in the State rules it was necessary that all posts have their officers elected before the State Convention. This made it necessary that the Post elect a nominating committee to report in July so that the election could be held in August.
Even though the year was short the improvement was considerable. The new commander would be able to start the next year with a comfortable balance in the treasury, a workable set of by-laws, increased membership and a budget plan that would make the routine work much simpler.