![George Hannon takes over in 1928](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/event/1928%20GEORGE%20HANNAN.jpg)
The majority of the Post looked forward to a continuation of the prosperous progress of the organization. But those who had stood by for the past four years recognized the fact that there had to be a lull in activities. The gains made in the past four years would have to be made permanent. Certain members who had devoted much of their spare time to Legion activities wanted a rest. Also there was further complication of personalities. George Hannon had something of the same sort of personality as Henry Swift. While Swift was a marvel at putting a dying organization back on it's feet he would probably have not been as successful at keeping a going concern on an even keel. His sort of individual wanted to be starting something new and not to consolidate and strengthen the gains already made. Each man had his own problems when elected and Hannon had the ability to build when his problem was that of strengthening what had already been built.
George Hannon had a hard and troubled year ahead of him and no one recognized the fact. The membership held over from the previous year was dropping away. The group that had put on the intensive membership drive were not willing to do the same thing again. Those who had paid their dues and let it go at that, simply stayed out. Those who had paid and come out to the meetings to criticize joined up for the next year and were on deck to criticize without offering anything constructive. The commander wanted to go ahead with several new projects but found himself blocked by self-appointed censors at every point. Everyone rushed to the commander with his ideas and suggestions but no one was to be found when a job was to be done.
The public still had the idea that the Post should back and finance every idea, both sensible and ridiculous. Examples might be cited as the motion made and carried that a baseball field be constructed at Elgin, cost of not to exceed $175.00. Drums bought for the school bands at a cost not to exceed $50.00 each. These two motions nicked the Post funds for $275.00 No one suggested that the school bands were village projects and should be supported by the entire village instead of a hundred or so men in a purely voluntary organization. Another motion carried was to see if aid was needed to finance the purchase of certain fire fighting equipment. Hardly a meeting was held that some organization or other didn't profit to the extent of $50.00 or a $100.00. Nothing was spent to entertain the membership. Drums to bands, flags to schools, pumps for the fire department, transportation for drum and bugle corps of other towns. It is all right to be generous and lend a helping hand but there is a limit. The membership seemed to delight in voting aid to every Tom, Dick and Harry and then when a matter of a hundred dollars or so was wanted to buy needed Post equipment there was war. Commander Hannon was doing the best to control matters but the membership would not listen.
With appropriations running into hundreds of dollars for other organizations the executive committee authorized an expenditure of something over a hundred dollars for the benefit of the Post. At the next meeting a roar went up from those who had so pleasantly presented the high school with flags and drums. They demanded and secured amendments to the by-laws strictly limiting the commander's powers just when he needed more to keep the Post from going into a slump. Each meeting was just one more set of difficulties for the commander.
Fortunately at this junction there was an argument between a contractor and some other individual as to the disposal of sum of the money around five hundred dollars. Neither side would give way and they finally settled their difference by donating the money to the Post. This was the first recorded instance where the Post received funds that they did not work hard for. Incidentally some fifty different individuals went out of their way to inform several of the Post commanders that they were responsible for the contribution. When any benefit accured to the Post it seemed as though everyone in seventeen counties had been individually responsible for the benefit conferred.
There was a disposition to let the Fourth of July celebration go by the board. It was finally decided to have the celebration but omit the carnival. Donations were secured and a day of entertainment assured. The Post did not profit in any way.
This year we were entitled to a delegate to the National Convention and the Post sent Harold Clark. As he had worked faithfully and at no small personal sacrifice to himself ever since the formation of the Post it was considered no more than right that he should receive this reward that was possibly for only one member of the Post once in eight or ten years.
At the annual election A.T. Witt was elected commander. The banquet was a some what smaller affair and there was more or less an air of bewilderment as to why the Post had not held up as it had before. However Commander Hannon passed on the job to the new incumbent. Since that time it has been recognized that the retiring commander had done all and more than any other man could have done. he was in for a period of retrogression and had done well to hold matters in hand as well as he had. When comparing the previous decline under Norman Anderson we find that George Hannon had done remarkably well. At that time it was not known either in the Post nor in The United States as a whole that depressions could come. Another period of wild experimentation was ended. The depression had been experienced by the Post ahead of that. From now on funds would be carefully expended and plans more carefully considered.