![Harold Clark now commander](https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/event/1927%20HAROLD%20CLARKE.jpg)
Clark had been the man to nominate Henry Swift three years before and had been the one who had put forth the idea that a new comer in the Village would be able to pull the Post out of it's slump better than one who knew all the factions and troubles of the years before. His contention had been well founded and now the Post had elected him as commander
It looked as though the following year would be the best that the Post had seen, The fact was not recognized that the organization had been running high pressure and a let down was sure to come. Every organization has it's cycles and the Downers Grove Post had been steadily climbing. There would be a point where the top would be reached and a rest would be necessary if not a temporary decline. This point had been reached this year but no one recognized the fact. Thus while everyone, members and outsiders, expected an even more prosperous year the fact that the commander would have the hardest job anyone had had to even keep it at it's present status.
Numerous activities had been inaugurated and further plans were being considered. The various plans and projects under way by the Post were such that it needed all of the commander's time to keep them going. On top of that every other organization in the village naturally looked to the Legion for aid in anything they undertook. The Fourth of July celebrations brought it a good profit each year but the receipts were naturally exaggerated and outsiders began to regard the Post as a never failing source of supply for funds for anything that came up. A study of the minutes of the year shows that at nearly every meeting there was a request from the Boy Scouts, the Choral Society, the Auxiliary or any other group for amounts ranging from $10.00 to $100.00. And in practically every case the amount was granted. With the large membership and the numerous committees necessary to handle business it was impossible to look into all requests carefully and much money was contributed to other organizations and not even a note appears in the files to show that the contribution was regarded by the recipient as anything more that a divine right and that more was expected.
The National Convention had elected a man from Illinois, Howard P. Savage, as National Commander. Savage had been a resident of Du Page County and the county went after a bigger membership. A contest was inaugurated between the north and south sides of the county. Alexander Bradley Burns Post put on the most intensive membership campaign it had ever engaged in. Committees of five went from house to house to secure new members. The membership rose to 288. This was a remarkable showing when it is considered that the population of the village was only a trifle over 9000. Later events were to prove that this large membership was rather a draw back. The majority of these members merely paid their dues and aided not at all. Those who had put on the intensive drive were now compelled to continue the work of the Post and work was increased by the larger number to be served.
With the demands for each cash support growing on the Post there was a necessity for increased income. A blanket campaign was engaged and that brought in a substantial sum. The Fourth of July celebration added a sum in excess of $500.00, movie benefits helped and all in all the receipts reached a high water mark. But also the expenditures more than kept pace and in spite of the attempts of the commander to regulate the finances the membership voted money at every meeting that could have been better spent on service work.
Another difficulty met by the commander this year was the inevitable split into factions. Where the membership is small and progress is steady with everyone working to a common end there is little room for bickering and criticisms are met and answered. In such a case the officers know personally every member and he can be invited to an informal meeting and the difficulties smoothed out. Where the membership grows as rapidly as we had, it was impossible for the commander to know every man and he could not meet them and satisfy their complaints. In such a situation there is sure to be increased difficulties and troubles for the commander.
The Sea Scout project demanded attention; the village commissioners suggested that the Post take a census of the village; the Boy Scouts asked for help; the County organization asked for increased aid as we well now one of the largest Posts; our various holiday celebrations required increased personnel on all committees. All of these activities complicated matters for Commander Clark. In spite of this he was able to preserve peace in the meetings and kept the Post at the high level that it had attained in the past three years. There was no increase in interest but there was no loss either. The fact that he kept it where it was with the increased membership and the increased work testifies that his job was a remarkable accomplishment. During the past three years it had grown to be more or less of a custom that the man upon whom the commander relied to aid him in any sudden crisis was slated for the next commander. Such an individual commander Clark found in George Fisher. The nominating committee chose Fisher for the candidate for commander. But before he could be installed in office his health failed and he was compelled to go west. This necessitated the selecting of another man for commander. George Hannon was chosen and elected.