Before beginning to read about Post 80 I should give proper credit to the past commanders and historians of this wonderful Post for keeping records so that one day we could share the legacy of Post 80. Past Commander Morris Stevenson (1925) prepared the history from the beginning through 1939. The history from 1939 to 1969 was written by Past Commander Thomas Lanagan (1947).
Starting in 1919 each commander kept a collection of documents including minutes of meetings, letters to and from the Post, old bills and photographs. Many of our past commanders wrote detailed reports of their year or years as commander. We have a hard covered commemorative book of "The Stars and Stripes" containing every issue during The Great War.
Post 80 is fortunate to also have it's own little museum containing countless war relics dating back to the Civil War. Thanks to "The Old Guard" for making it possible for me to present to you the history of Post 80. Respectfully submitted by David Wisbrock, past commander (1988,89,90).