Some of the events of just this calendar year so far that have occurred at the Guy Baird Post: in January we were the 21st District stop for the Department of Illinois Annual American Legion Family Membership Caravan Department Commander Hank Robards was amoung the Department staff along with Department Sr Vice Commander Paul Gardner and the President of the Auxiliary. The featured speaker on the caravan was immediate past National Commander Dan Dellinger. The lunch stop meal was prepared by Kenny and Rosie Huff and drew countless raves. In March we hosted the 21st District, the meal for the District was prepared by the Auxiliary. A very fine meal of lasagna, garlic bread and salad with desserts again drawing rave reviews from those in attendance. There were plenty of leftovers for our post meeting 2 nights later which was the past Commanders dinner again prepared by the Auxiliary. Along with the plentiful desserts, we had a decorated sheet cake to mark the Legion's 96th Birthday.
Just last week the post held the annual Memorial Day Service at the post, which features the Carlinville Municipal Band;as an unusual twist rather than having one guest speaker this year we had three one from WWII, one from Korea and one from Viet Nam. The individual war time experiences stories struck a chord with the crowd.
Structurally this has been a big year for the post as well, with the addition of a brand new metal roof adding markedly to the outward appearance of the post and a new concrete pad outside of the main entranceway.
For activities our weekly fund raising Bingo continues to go well, the Color Ball progressive game has two jackpots now that have grown to $3500.