IN 1964, the Veterans Day Program in St. Charles included a flag raising at the Baker Community Center (one of the first post meeting homes, in 1926), a parade then stepped off from the Com. Following the parade, munity House, halting on the Main Street Bridge for an Invocation, a combined rifle squad salute, the playing of Taps by the St. Charles High School Band , a Benediction, and concluded at the Post, for a luncheon served by the Legion Auxiliary. Homeowners were asked by Mayor Neumark to display the flag in a "reaffirmation of national unity.". Residents were invited to participate in an effort "to turn the holiday into a demonstration of Americanism".
More thsan 200 attended the Veterans Day dinner at the Post home on Wednesday evening, There were 11 past Post Commanders present as well as 27 WWI veterans.
Formerly known as "Armistice Day", November 11th was redesignated as Veterans Day in 1954 by the 83rd Congress at the request of the American Legion and with the support oif other veterans organizations. Congress urged that the day be made an occasion for honring American veterans of all wars.