The Post, 316 Legionnaries strong, voted to select an award of a bright red 1963 Ford Station Wagon to be donated to the  St. Charles Fire Department  for their Community Service Project. The car, intended for use by the Fire Chief for emergency response, was fully-equpped with a one-man operated  E & J  resuscitator and a two-way radio, which was a primary need for the department along with an aluminum boat for water rescues on the Fox River. Fire Chief, Arthur Van Leirsburg previously was forced by necessity to make a personal car purchase of a vehicle much larger than required to meet his personal needs, for work use. Due to the rugged nature of use for emergencies at any hour, the trade-in value of Chief Arthur Van Leirsburg's private vehicle would be considerably reduced by his choice to supply it for his work needs, due to budgetary priorities in the department. The Legionnaries weighed this iniquity in making their decision, as they considered other potential projects in Pottawatomie Park, the Police Department, Delnor Hospital, St. Charles High School and possible improvements that could be made by the Post on various City properties.


In a letter to the Post, Mayor George Neumark wrote, "There is no way to put into words the deep appreciation we feel for this gracious gesture."

Arlo Paul, Commander, presented the keys to the cherry-red vehicle to Chief Van Liersburg in front of the Fire Staion House.

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