1920 A W Buck
1921 Fred Class
1922 Roy Lyon Sr.
1923 Collin C Canaday
1924 Harry E. Brown
1925 Harry E. Brown
1926 Bert Maunder
1927 Wm J Andrews
1928 George Brady
1929 Arley Munts
1930 Harry Leach
1931 Geo. Sander and C E Hansen
1932 Chuck Hanson
1933 Mark Brady
1934 James Wolfe
1935 Jack Thompson
1936 John Jackimowicz
1937 Tllier T Tesdal
1938 Bob Lindsay
1939 Ray Bob Morrall
1940 Bert Osness
1941 Gus P. Nelson
1942 Nicholas Paulowski
1943 Ed Quinn
1944 Rome Graham
1945 Mert Freeland
1946 Reinert Finnestad
1947 F. Wayne Graham
1948 John J Mack
1949 Raymond Kopcich
1950 Bob Lyons
1951 Mel Peterson
1952 Joseph R. Jones
1953-54 Arnold Peterson
1954-55 Wm. (Doc) Poppelton
1955-56 Don Thompson
1956-57 Thomas Johnson
1957-58 Robert Bright
1958-59 John Maunder
1959-60 Edward Kulig
1960-61 Gene Vidal
1961-62 Elwood Ferguson
1962-63 John Masek
1963-64 (1) Don Bright
1963-64 (2) Clarence Coleman
1964-65 Chuck Rosland
1965-66 Lee Gibson
1966-67 Elmer McKibben
1967-68 D. Les Enger
1968-69 Frank Kuntz
1969-70 Joseph P. Laughary
197071 Darwin Enger
1971-72 Gary Gunnerson
1972-73 Jim Hougas
1973-1974 Arvin Battersby
1974-75 Paul Estensen
1975-76 Burt Enger
1976-77 Ken Allen
1977-78 Steve Black
1978-79 Steve Black
1979-80 Lee Gibson
1980-81 Wayne Hodgson
1981-82 Don Bright
1982-83 Mike Ranz
1983-84 Elton Monson
1984-85 Keith Laughary
1985-86 Lee Gibson
1986-87 Larry Kingman
1987-88 Don Bright
1988-89 Elwood Ferguson
1989-90 Keith Laughary
1990-91 Keith Laughary
1991-92 Larry Kingman
1992-93 Robert Stroud
1993-94 Robert Brown
1994-95 Robert Brown
1995-96 Thomas Sheahan
1996-97 Rusty Stroud
1997-98 Rusty Stroud
1998 - 2004 Gary Gamauf
2004-05 Rusty Stroud
2005-2006 John Almer
2005 - 2008 John Almer
2005-2008 John Almer
2008 - 2017 Kenneth T Buck III
2017-18 S. Carter Corsello
https://centennial.legion.org/sites/centennial/files/gallery/1956-57%20Thomas%20Johnson.jpgUnknown 2 - If you can positively identify, please contact the post historian.
Unknown 7 - If you can positively identify, please contact the post historian.
Unknown 6 - If you can positively identify, please contact the post historian.
Unknown 5 - If you can positively identify, please contact the post historian.
Unknown 8 - If you can positively identify, please contact the post historian.
1956-57 Thomas Johnson