Pictures of various tables and participants taken during the Celebration on June 30, 2019. Unfortunately, after a couple of hours the event got rained out. The power went off and the water supply also failed. so we had to send everyone home.



Tina Beaird and Michael Lambert from the Plainfield Historical Museum at their exhibit


Arts and crafts table for kids. Debi Richardson and Plainfield Girl Scouts manned the arts and craft table.


Table honoring military heroes


Henry "Skip" Simons and Penny Knowlton in conference at the Legion Riders Table


Billy Schneider selling patriotic car magnets and coins.


Boys and Girls State, Auxiliary and Legionnaires tables


Large Auxiliary display with uniform display in the background


Past National Commander picture with a message for female veterans


Cupcakes and fruit on the bar in the small hall.


Shy bartender with a funny hat


Tom Mylnek hard at work reading the signup sheet early in the event


The storm hit and the lights went out


Last picture of the event after the lights went out


Day before the event. Setting up the food serving tent.


More work setting up the food serving tent.


There's Maureen Scott hard at work decorating. More workers in background.


Final touches on some decorations. Last 4 pictures courtesy of Tom Mlynek.


Flags and decorations in the Post Pavilion-Picture by Ed Lecompte


Poster salute to our Plainfield Heroes including post pilot and author. Ron Carey, Civil War heroes , Marne Post 13 participation groups, Hondouras pilot. Jeffry Schwab.


Post Marne 13 American Legion centennial banner designed by Barb Perignon.


Helen Schwab, mother of helicopter pilot Jeffry Schwab. Jeffry perished in a helicopter attack in Honduras.


Another picture of Helen Schwab with Alba Jensen (current Auxiliary President) on the right.


Left to right Alba Jensen (2019 Auxiliary President), Dolores Barach - our longest standing ALA member and Denise Williams, ALA #13 Gold Star Mother to Andrew Meari, KIA is Afghanistan Nov 1, 2010. She is also the President of American Gold Star Mothers, Inc, Dept of Illinois.


Mike Kissane, 2019 Post Commander. Are you taking a selfie Mike?


Rena, Jim and Nikki Phipps Rena was one of our Girls State candidates in June of 2019


Left to right, Marilyn Pecoraro, wife of former Post Commander Frank Pecoraro, Nancy York, 5 time President of the Marne 13 Auxiliary and Jan Martinka is the ALA 11th Dist VP. She will be 11th Dist Pres for 2019-2020. She is also ALA 2nd Div Past Pres.


Left to right. Jan Martinka, ALA 11th Dist VP, Shane Smith-Recent Boys State participant and John York, Past Post Marne 13 Commander and he also ran Boys State program for several years.


Dave and Sharon Levally. Dave is a Legionairre and Sharon is an Auxiliary member and she also manages the Girls State program for the Post.


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