Plainfield American Legion Marne Post #13 ribbon cutting with the Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce

Plainfield American Legion Marne Post #13 located at 24741 W. Renwick Road, Plainfield, IL 60544 held its ribbon cutting with the Plainfield Area Chamber of Commerce. (Posted By mgutowski, Community Contributor)Posted by mgutowski, Community Contributor 

Plainfield American Legion Marne Post #13
24741 W. Renwick Road
Plainfield, IL 60544
(815) 436-9231

The American Legion is a fraternal organization dedicated to serving the Veterans of our various services and the community at large. We accomplish this service in many ways, such as counseling returning Veterans on how to get medical help, schooling, GI Loans or in an emergency even a tank of gas. We sponsor Scouting Groups by providing free meeting space. We hold charity events and fund raisers at the post. We rent our halls for parties and hold a weekly Bingo. We operate a full bar that is open to the public seven days a week with large screen TV for all sporting events. This is how we fund these various events. We are a non-profit organization that is open to the public.

Gary Taylor- Commander


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