One of two American Legion Posts in Douglas, GA. Lester Smith, American Legion Post 515, was founded in 1948. It was founded by Jasper T. (JAP) McClean; he also served as the first commander. The Post was named after PFC Lester Smith, the first African American from Douglas, (Coffee County) GA, to be killed during World War II. American Legion Post 515 is rich in history, but lacking documentation of events before the 2008 -2009 Legion Year. Research is still being conducted to publish more historical events and accomplishments.
Post 515’s Charter was applied for Nov. 25, 1946, certified by Ward Whelchel, who was commander of Post 18 Douglas, GA. The charter was approved May 7, 1948. The 20 members were copied from the original charter application filed by Post 515’s Charter members requesting permanent charter. The original letter is on file at the American Legion National Headquarters, Indianapolis, Ind. Wartime Era for Charter Members was provided by members of Post 515.
Listed below are the Post 515 Charter Members and their Wartime Era. Many of these members’ graves have been identified and marked to signify their membership in Post 515 and to indicate they are Charter Members.
Name War Era
Jasper T, McLean WWI
Pearl O.Neal WWI
Dorsey Eason WWI
John H. Quo WWI
Norman Greene WWI
Henderson M. Speight WWI
Armenis Newkirk WWI
Hayward Williamson WWI
James Williamson WWI
David Cutno WWI
Matt Cutno WWI
Walter Paulk WWII
George H. Barner WWII
George Speights WWII
Willard L. Williamson WWII
Henry Vickers WWII
Alvin Phillips WWII
Homer Lee Killens WWII
Roosevelt Finkley WWII
George Shields WWII
Awards and “Thank You” for Post 515
Recognition of Post Excellence presented on behalf of a very grateful American Legion to Lester Smith, Inc., Post 515, Department of Georgia, has demonstrated excellence in serving their community above and beyond all expectation; in keeping with the aims of our Preamble. This Post and its Members have displayed exemplary efforts through their “Devotion To Mutual Helpfulness.” This Post’s Exemplary efforts deserve recognition for their support of the programs and activities of the American Legion. All the while, being an asset in their community. Their allegiance to helping veterans is exemplary and they should be commended for their efforts towards Post excellence. Presented to Post 515 June 29, 2012; 2013; 2015; June 20, 2016; July 25, 2016; 2017 and 2018.
The American Legion Certificate of Meritorious Service for faithfulness in the performance of duties and meriting special confidence and esteem because of manifested cooperation and loyalty. Recognition is hereby accorded for Meritorious Service rendered as hereinafter set forth, and presented to Lester Smith, Inc, Post 515 Department of Georgia, The American Legion, who has rendered meritorious service by enrolling for the Year 2014, a Membership equaling or surpassing its previous all-time high. The enrollment was accomplished by Dec. 31 preceding the beginning of the calendar year indicated. Post 515 also received this Meritorious Service Award in 2012, 2013 and 2015.
The American Legion Department of Georgia presents the Outstanding Post Award Runner- Up Category III for 2012 – 2013 to Lester Smith American legion Post 515, Douglas, GA., “We Thank You For A Job Well Done.” June 22, 2013.
The American Legion Department of Georgia presents the Outstanding Post Award Runner-Up Category II for 2013-2014 to Lester Smith American Legion Post 515, Douglas, GA. “We Thank you For A Job Well Done.” June 21, 2014.
The American Legion Department of Georgia presents the Outstanding Post Award Category II for 2014-2015 to Lester Smith American Legion Post 515, Douglas, GA. “We Thank you For A Job Well Done.” June 27, 2015.
The American Legion Department of Georgia presents the Outstanding Post Award Runner-Up Category II for 2017-2018 to Lester Smith American Legion Post 515, Douglas, GA. “We Thank you For A Job Well Done.” June 23, 2018.
Gold Brigade Membership Award for 2014 was presented to Jerome Loving, Post 515, Department of Georgia in recognition and appreciation of outstanding achievement in recruiting 50 or more new members for the American legion. Through such extraordinary achievement, this esteemed Legionnaire has singularly contributed to the growth and sustenance of the American Legion; keeping ever strong its invaluable contributions to America’s veterans, their families, and communities throughout this great country. He also received this award in 2010 and 2013.
The American Legion National Commander James E. “Jim” Koutz Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Jerome Loving, Commander Lester Smith Post 515, Department of Georgia, for your post successfully accomplishing 100 percent of its annual membership goal for the 2013 membership year, this is a sure sign that your leadership and member involvement at your post are proudly serving veterans and you appreciate the value of membership.
The American Legion National Commander Dale Barnett Certificate of Appreciation presented to Alfalene Walker, Commander, Lester Smith, Inc., Post 515, Department of Georgia. For your post successfully accomplishing 100 present of its annual membership goal for the 2016 membership year this is a sure sign that your leadership and member involvement at your post are proudly serving veterans and you appreciate the value of membership.
Post 515 received a personalized signed photo of National Commander Dale Barnett for their dedication to the American Legion and “duty, honor, and country.” Received for the 2015 – 2016 year.
Certificate of Appreciation from the 12th District, Department of Georgia, Nov. 17, 2012 in appreciation of Lester Smith Post 515 one of 16 post to receive 100% Award achieved, Oct. 27, 2012.
Certificate of Appreciation from American Legion Auxiliary Unit 515 to American Legion Post 515 Commander Oscar Paulk, in recognition and sincere appreciation of outstanding service and assistance which contributed to the advancement of the American Legion Auxiliary programs and activities dedicated to God and Country. Signed by President Tanya Simpson and Secretary Carolyn James July 14, 2012.
Presented to American Legion Post 515 in appreciation of your selfless service and generous contributions to the Friends, Families, Family Readiness Group and Soldiers of the 848th Engineer Company. 2013 Deployment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, 848th Engineer Company, Nov. 23, 2013. “Iron Claw”
Certificate of Appreciation from 78th Troop Commander, Decatur, GA., to American Legion Post 515 for the outstanding performance assisting in the organization of the 110th CSSB Rear Detachment Family Day Your exemplary effort reflects great credit on your endless dedication and unwavering support to the quality of Life for soldiers, their families, the local community and the state of Georgia. “Soldiers Matter”, awarded in August 2010.
Thanks for showing us love and support, Peach State Divas SC . Presented to American Legion 515.