One of two American Legion Posts in Douglas, GA. Located at 1510 McLean St., Douglas, GA. Documentation of the Post history has not been very good; therefore, we depended on the memory of older and long time members. One in particular is Mr. Lonnie (L.B) Samuels, who joined the Post three years after the Post was granted its charter. At his death,he had been a member and served faithfully for 67 years.
Mr. Samuels also spent many years, day and night overseeing the operation of the Post until the 2008 - 2009 Legion Year. This is the year Mr. Jerome Loving joined the Post and was elected Post Commander. Commander Loving presented clear goals and objectives, which were unamousely approved. These goals and objectives set the Post on a historic path to operate in accordance with the American Legion Purpose: Service to Veterans, Service to Veterans Families and Service to the Community. The goals were to participate in as many programs under the four pillars as possible (Americanism, Children and Youths, National Security, and Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation). The main objective was to become the number one Post in the State of Georgia.
Numerous programs and activities were revitailized and and initiated. Revitalization included renovation of the Post building and grounds, American Legion Programs, with a focus on changing the image and improve public perception of the American Legion, recruiting, employing, and retaining new members, providing assistance to Veterans, and getting involved in the community.
Post Members met at three other locations prior to building their Post Home at its current location. The initial meeting place was on Cherry St..; it was called Rat Road during those days. After meeting on Rat Road for numerous years, meeting were held on Pearl St.; then on East College Ave, across the street from George Washington Carver (GWC) Elementary and High School. It is now the GWC Freshman Campus.