Post 515 members coordinated with community leaders to organize and conduct the first Community Wide 9/11 Remembrance in Douglas. This effort brought First Responders (City and County Firefighters, Police and Emergency Services), Junior ROTC, school-aged children, community leaders and community members to an event which is now an annual event. There were over 250 people in attendance.
A flag was placed on a baseball field at Citizens Christian Academy, replicating the Twin Towers, in memory of every American during the 9/11 Terrorist Attack. The program including guest speakers, individuals sharing their stories and involvement and ringing a bell at the precise minute of each terrorist incident.
Placing Flags to replicate the Twin Towers and much of the information for the program was the idea of Mr. Joe Lytle. He was the new manager of Hardee's Restaurant. However, the coordination and program development was the work of Past Post 515 Commander, Jerome Loving.