Lester Smith, American Legion Post 515, was founded in 1948.  It was founded by Jasper T. (JAP) McClean; he also served as the first commander.  The Post was named after PFC Lester Smith, the first African American from Douglas,  (Coffee County)  GA, to be killed during World War II.   American Legion Post 515 is rich in history, but lacking documentation of events before the 2008 -2009 Legion Year.  Research is still being conducted to publish more historical events and accomplishments.



Post  515’s Charter was applied for Nov. 25, 1946, certified by Ward Whelchel, who was commander of Post 18 Douglas, GA.  The charter was approved May 7, 1948. The 20 members were copied from the original charter application filed by Post 515’s Charter members requesting permanent charter.  The original letter is on file at the American Legion National Headquarters, Indianapolis, Ind. Wartime Era for Charter Members was provided by members of Post 515.


Listed below are the Post 515 Charter Members and their Wartime Era.  Many of these members’ graves have been identified and marked to signify their membership in Post 515 and to indicate they are Charter Members.  

Name                                                                                                War Era            


Jasper T, McLean                                                                    WWI






Pearl O.Neal                                                                            WWI


Dorsey Eason                                                                          WWI


John H. Quo                                                                            WWI


Norman Greene                                                                       WWI


Henderson M. Speight                                                             WWI


Armenis Newkirk                                                                    WWI


Hayward Williamson                                                              WWI


James Williamson                                                                   WWI


David Cutno                                                                            WWI


Matt Cutno                                                                               WWI


Walter Paulk                                                                           WWII


George H. Barner                                                                    WWII


George Speights                                                                      WWII


Willard L. Williamson                                                             WWII


Henry Vickers                                                                         WWII


Alvin Phillips                                                                          WWII


Homer Lee Killens                                                                  WWII


Roosevelt Finkley                                                                    WWII


George Shields                                                                        WWII                  

The photo attached reflects eight (8) of the Past Commanders who was present at the 2017 - 2018 Commanders Ball (Willie Williams, James Gleover, Oscar Paulk, David Brewton, James Brown, Richard Graham, Jerome Loving, Louis Duncan and Alfalene Walker.  Many of thes Commanders served numerous terms and consegative years.  Alfalene Walker is the first and only female Comander to date.  She was elected Commander 67 years after tthe Post Charter was granted and served two consegative years 2015 -2016 and 2016 - 2017 Legion Year and again the 2018 - 2019 Legion Year.

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