MEMORANDUM FOR: Commander, The American Legion Department of Georgia, 3035 Mt. Zion Rd., Stockbridge, GA 30281
SUBJECT: Consolidated Post Report for Legion Year 2018 – 2019
This Consolidated Post Report is submitted to fully reflect the Legion Year of American Legion
Lester Smith Post 515, Inc. The 255-member strong Post has focused its goals and objectives on the four pillars of the American Legion which are reflected in the Consolidated Post Report for 2018-2019.
Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation: The Service Officer is not the only member who locates and assists
with Homeless Veterans or those needing VA services provided by hospitals or Veteran Service Officers. Members have created a mode of “passing it forward” so that more Veterans in the Douglas (Coffee County) area know who to call to get help. This is etched in their minds during the annual trip to Dublin VA where special comfort items are taken and time spent playing BINGO, service recognition program and a good home-cooked meal. And, as Veterans join the forces of comrades that have passed on, Post members ensure that the family members are fed and that there is American Legion support and a resolution for the family.
This year, Post 515 participated in a Community Mental Health Fair. Partnering with
Local Mental Health officials, Hospital providers and representatives from Dublin and Waycross Veteran Services, more than 100 people attended this event.
Post 515 was honored to take the lead for the 12th District to bring the GI Bill (Greatest
Legislation) Exhibit to Douglas, GA. This was a month long exhibit showcasing the “Midnight Ride” of former Congressman John S. Gibson, who cast the deciding vote for the GI Bill.
National Security: In this realm, Post 515 will always support the Blood Donor Program, Crime
Prevention & Law and Order; Homeland Security & Disaster Relief; POW/MIA; National Security and Fire Prevention. Legionnaires are strategically placed as leaders of these areas because most have years or experience or presently work in these fields.
This year, Post 515 members coordinated with community leaders to organize and
conduct the first Community Wide 9/11 Remembrance in Douglas. This effort brought First Responders (City and County Firefighters, Police and Emergency Services), Junior ROTC, school-aged children, community leaders and community members to an event which is now an annual event.
The District Disaster Relief Coordinator is a Post 515 member, Jerome Loving. He
organized training sessions with area Red Cross officials and established a direct link with the area and local Red Cross coordinators. The local coordinator is a dedicated member of Post 515. This year, as in the past, this team effort worked tirelessly during the time of Hurricane Michael.
Americanism: Post 515 continues to work with a local Boy Scout Troop, the Citizens Christian
Academy (CCA) LEO Club, Coffee High School Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (CHS NJROTC) Cadets, local volunteers and first responders to conduct programs and activities.
Annual programs such as disposing of unserviceable flags and Wreaths Across America (WAA)
are well-known community-wide programs Post 515 spearheads. Wreaths Across America ensures flags and Wreaths are placed on more than 2,700 Veteran Graves in more than 70 cemeteries. Flags are placed for Memorial Day and during the December time-frame, flags and wreaths are placed on Veterans graves. Flags by December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day) and Wreaths the second or third weekend in December. This event was filmed and televised on local television twice a day for one week. These events were also shared on social media numerous times. Some of these pictures also continue to appear on various types of social media. These and other events really caught the eye of many and created a tremendous amount of program support.
c. Post members continued to maintain and upkeep the grounds around the Veterans Memorial at the Coffee County Court House, located in the heart of downtown Douglas, GA and the Historic Black (Upton) Cemetery in the City of Douglas.
d. Post members participated in several local schools’ Veteran’s Day Programs and were on program at three schools and four local churches. Post 515 invited veterans of Coffee County and a guest to the annual Veteran’s Day Program and free meal at a city facility. More than 250 veterans and their guests attended this program funded by local businesses.
e. Post and Unit 515 members prepared a meal; fed judges and workers at the area CHSNJROTC Annual Drill Contest in February, at no cost to the participants. The competition was attended by JROTC students from schools in Florida and Georgia.
e. Post members rang the bell several times for the Salvation Army during the holidays. These funds help the Salvation Army pay rent and utility bills for needy families, including Veterans.
f. Post members awarded three $500 scholarships this Legion Year (two Academic and one Oratorical); sponsored two young men to GA Boys State @ $ 250 each and $25 spending money for each. Post members also sponsored a youth recreation baseball team ($350).
5. Children and Youth: Post 515 has a strong family support network; however, support for this area is integrated with the Auxiliary Unit 515. Annually Halloween and Back-To-School Events are conducted at the Post and at times, with other community agencies to help reach more deserving children.
6. Post 515 conducted an house to inform the community of Post 515’s vision and mission and explain their role in the American Legion. Various community support agencies such as 90 Works and Veterans Services provide informational sessions for attendees. This is how Post 515 is a Community Center and its members support community events. This also demonstrates that the community supports American Legion Post 515 efforts to serve and shows that “We are Veterans Serving Veterans.”
7. For information, please contact me @ 912-381-0547 or email alfalenewalker1955@gmail.com