The United States of America

The American Legion
The Department of Georgia


The required number of persons duly qualified for membership
having applied therefore and such application having been
approved in due form

Now Therefor, Be It Known that pursuant to the powers by the
Constitutions of the The American Legion and the Department
of Georgia, this Charter is granted and those applying together
with such others as may unite with them, are hereby authorized
to establish and maintain a Post American Legion Program of

The American Legion Riders of Georgia,
The American Legion, Department of Georgia

at Marietta, to be known as Horace Orr Post No. 29,
Department of Georgia
, and this instrument unless revoked
or suspended, shall be a conclusive evidence of the lawful
existence thereof

By the acceptance of this Charter the said Post acknowledges irrevocable jurisdiction and declares itself to be in all things subject to the Constitutions of The American Legion and the Department of Georgia, and the rules, regulations, orders, and laws promulgated in pursuance thereof and further the said Post  pledges itself through its members to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and the principles of true Americanism for the common welfare of the living and in solemn commemoration of those who died that liberty might not perish from the Earth.

In Witness Whereof, this Charter is given under the hand of the Department Commander of Georgia, duly attested by the Department Adjutant at Headquarters in Stockbridge, Georgia, this 11th day of November 2011, and countersigned by the Department of Georgia “D.O.G.” American Legion Riders “ALR” Committee Chairman and the Vice-Chairman at Augusta, Georgia, the 12th day of November 2011.

Phil Youngblood, Department of Georgia, Commander
Charles R. Knox, Department of Georgia, Adjutant

Pat “Sheriff” Garrett,  D.O.G. ALR Chairman
Rob “Sarge”  Robinson  D.O.G. ALR Vice-Chairman
Jimmy “Ghost” Clayton,  D.O.G. ALR Vice-Chairman

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