Issued to

Horace Orr American Legion Post 29, Inc.

Pursuant to the authority extended by the National Executive Committee of the American Legion, an original charter has been issued to the above Post.

Since its incorporation, the Post has continued its allegiance to the National Constitution and By-laws of the American Legion, and the Constitution and By-laws of its Department and the rules, regulations, laws, and orders as promulgated, and has continued to reap the benefit of its membership in said organization.

Now, the Post in its corporate capacity has applied for a Supplemental Charter, and by its application for same, acknowledges that it will continue to be bound by all the existing provisions of the Constitution and By-laws of The American Legion and Department.

Pursuant to the powers vested in the National Organization, it hereby issues this Supplemental Charter to the Post.  This Supplemental Charter is granted, March 30, 2009, in the city of Indianapolis, Indiana.

Given under the hand of the National Commander, duly attested by the National Adjutant of The American Legion, and countersigned by the Commander and Adjutant of the Department.

Fae Casper, Department Commander                                    David K. Rehbein, National Commander
Charles R. Knox, Department Adjutant                                 Daniel L. Wheeler, National Adjutant



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