This article by Peggy McMahn appeared in the Marietta Daily Journal on Thursday, November 22, 1973.

While others are busy preparing food for Thanksgiving feasts, Wednesday and Thursday, members of Cobb County Emergency Aid Association will be hectically delivering and distributing foods to those who Thanksgiving cupboards are bare.

The food is distributed according to the size of the family and the family’s need.  To obtain food, however, either the family must be referred by an agency or certified by the Emergency Aid Association, Mrs. Bettingfield pointed out.

High School students, church groups, and other volunteer organizations, help deliver the food, mainly to disabled, aged, or anyone who cannot pick up food themselves.

This office also coordinates the Toys for Tots campaign each year for Cobb in cooperation with the Marines.  Dispersal dates for toys have been set from December 19-22.  The toys are store-housed at American Legion Post 29 on Gresham Street, just behind Sears on Roswell Street, and are also disbursed from that point.

Last year , approximately 3,000 children were given toys and 600 families received food.

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