This article was in the April 1962 issue of The Georgia Legionnaire.
One of the finest projects ever sponsored by the American Legion, Bells Across the Nation, was scheduled to be conducted throughout Georgia at 1 p.m., April 19.
Hugh Howell, Jt., well known Atlanta attorney, has asked every post officer and auxiliary leader to make every possible effort to see that all bells ring in their communities on Patriot's Day. He suggests that the commanders contact their city and county governmental officials and get them to issue proclamations, and to urge churches, schools and businesses to ring their bells on Thursday, April 19.
Howell, a member of Post 1, was appointed Georgia's Bells Across the Nation Day chairman by Department Commander Ben Chatfield. Howell served in the Navy during World War II on fast carriers the Enterprise, Wasp, Hornet, Ticonderoga and Yorktown. Recipient of many war medals, Howell was discharged with the rank of Commander. He is National Vice President for the Sixth Naval Reserve Association.
Governor Ernest Vandiver is honorary Bells Across the Nation Chairman for Georgia. Governor Vandiver has proclaimed Thursday, April 19 as Bells Across the Nation and Patriot's Day, and urges everyone who has bells or carillons t ring them.